更新於 2024/11/24閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

吃出健康 - The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself

『Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself』的作者 Dr. William W. Li 是一位國際知名的醫學專家和健康倡導者,專精於疾病預防與治療的新科學。他創辦血管生成基金會(Angiogenesis Foundation),專注研究人體血管生成與疾病的關係。他的研究發現,透過飲食調整可以影響人體五大自癒系統(如免疫系統、微生物群系和幹細胞),進而對抗癌症、糖尿病和心血管疾病等多種健康問題。

透過科學證據支持,本書提供實用飲食建議,幫助讀者選擇健康的食材。他的理念是結合科學與日常生活,讓食物成為強大的治療工具。他的TED演講「Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?」,展現他在全球健康議題上的深遠影響力,啟發人們通過正確飲食改善健康,活化身體的自癒能力。


Picture your DNA as your personal genetic blueprint, twisted into the shape of a spiral staircase (called a double helix) and miniaturized to fit inside a cell. The staircase is made up of the genes you inherited from your parents. This is the source code that every aspect of your health depends upon to keep you alive and able to function normally. Yet, DNA is quite fragile and is the target of vicious attacks throughout your life.

將您的 DNA 想像成您個人的遺傳藍圖,扭曲成螺旋樓梯的形狀(稱為雙股螺旋),並縮小到可放入細胞內。樓梯是由您從父母遺傳下來的基因所組成。這是您健康各方面所依賴的原始碼,讓您活著並正常運作。然而,DNA 卻相當脆弱,一生中都是惡意攻擊的目標。

將雙股螺旋 DNA 的概念比喻成階梯,並點明其作為生命基石的重要性與脆弱性,建議我們應該對 DNA 保護的關注。

Worse yet, the same blood vessels that feed cancer tumors also serve as exit channels for malignant cells to escape into the bloodstream. This is known as metastasis, and is the most dangerous aspect of cancer. Patients with cancer rarely die from their initial tumor, which can often be removed by surgery—it’s the metastases that pepper the body like buckshot that kill.



And it tells us we need to think more about how to keep our gut bacteria in good shape for our overall health. What you eat is one approach.



So, not only does eating cheese introduce new bacteria into the gut, but it influenced the bacteria already there.



But as we learn how our microbiome defends our health, we are rethinking how changing our gut bacteria might contribute to the mysteriously increasing rates of food allergies, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and even depression.



So, even when L. reuteri in sourdough bread is killed in the hot oven, the bacterial fragments that remain in the finished bread may still be able to offer health benefits when consumed.

即使酸麵包中的 L. reuteri 在滾燙的烤箱中被殺死,殘留在成品麵包中的細菌碎片在食用後仍可能對健康有益。


People who eat seafood live longer.The impact of eating fish and shellfish on angiogenesis provides one explanation.



Health is much more than the absence of disease. It is the presence of your five health defense systems working together in complex ways to keep your body functioning normally, while at the same time responding to the assault of life and aging in order to prevent disease.




本文強調了人體健康與長壽的關鍵在於全面的健康防禦系統運作,並從基因、腸道健康和飲食習慣等多個層面進行深入探討。以 DNA 為生命基石的脆弱性,揭示了健康防禦的重要,提醒我們應積極採取保護措施。腸道菌群被視為影響整體健康的重要因素,適當的飲食選擇如乳酪、酸麵包與海鮮等,能有效改善腸道環境,進一步增強免疫系統、預防疾病,甚至對抗老化。同時,文章以癌症轉移的危險性作為警示,強調飲食在疾病預防中的潛力,尤其是在血管生成的調節作用中,為維持長壽提供了新的視角。


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