Learning Attitude and Work Model

2023/08/24閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

1. Self-learning

How to self-learning?
There are 3 simple steps you can follow: 

Step 1: Finding your passion.

  • Make a list of things you love to do
  • Assess the things you don’t love

Step 2: Finding learning resources.

  • All of the useful things are your learning tools. E.g. textbooks, software and videos from library, internet or mobile.
  • And the people you know are your teachers. Like your parents, neighbors, classmates, and friends who are around you. 

Step 3: Motivate yourself to keep going.

We all lose motivation from time to time. There are some tips to get yourself back on track.

  • Remember your “why.”
  • Do some mood lifting.
  • Change your environment.


2. Independent work and teamwork

Independent work

Working independently is the ability to work self-sufficiently (meaning: able to maintain oneself without outside aid) on assigned tasks.

Your supervisor or management can trust you to accomplish tasks with little to no supervision.

Working independently can involve a sense of responsibility and self-reliance (similar: self-sufficiency) as you work to finish projects and assignments.



Building a team involves bring people together, while teamwork is allowing those people to use their different abilities, values and beliefs to accomplish something they may not be able to do alone.

Teammates who trust each other can feel safe communicating openly and effectively.

When everyone contributes equally to solving a problem or creating something new by offering unique skill set or expertise.

3. Summary: growth mindset

The term growth mindset was coined by American psychologist Professor Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Source of the materials by myself.

Source of the materials by myself.





    嗨,我是Neomi。佛性經營方格子,喜歡讀各學科的研究理論,也喜歡鑽研文字。學業進修中,所以更新更慢。「閱讀是投資,書寫是報酬」是人生宗旨,快樂讀,寫開心。聯絡信箱:[email protected]