可是,書,好似我的氧氣,怎能不看?病中還是追了兩本,有意外的驚喜,不過病勢漸猛,還真拿不動書了,更無法在晚上看電子書了。拖著病體,大口喘著氣,每天看幾分鐘吳爾芙的《論生病》(On Being Ill),卻著實喜歡上了她。
Indeed it is to the poets that we turn. Illness makes us disinclined for the long campaigns that prose exacts. We cannot command all our faculties and keep our reason and our judgment and our memory at attention while chapter swings on top of chapter, and, as one settles into place, we must be on the watch for the coming of the next, until the whole structure—arches, towers, and battlements— stands firm on its foundations.