更新於 2019/10/12閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

少糖、無動物性油脂,一小時內即可完成的鹽麴胡桃酥餅乾 Vegan Shio Kouji



Vegan butter 50g 手工純素奶油
Brown Sugar 40g 三溫糖、二砂糖 (可依照個人喜好的甜度調整用量)
vegan oil 10g 植物油
Shio Kouji 4g 鹽麴
Pastry Flour 130g 低筋麵粉
Shio Kouji Syrup 鹽麴糖漿 些許
《鹽麴糖漿做法:『Shio Kouji 3g 鹽麴 +75 % Glucose syrup 10g 葡萄糖漿75% +water 5g 水 》

  • 先將純素奶油於室溫中軟化,加入三溫糖拌勻。
  • 再加入植物油和鹽麴,拌勻後備用。
  • 將胡桃置入食物調理機內,慢打的方式,將胡桃打至碎粒, 不要快速長時間打,會變成泥,以保留口感。
  • 加入少許無鋁泡打粉和低筋麵粉後,拌勻所有食材
  • 將麵團整形分切約1顆13-15g左右的大小, 搓圓後用手或湯匙在上面壓一個凹紋。
  • 抹上鹽麴糖漿(將鹽麴、葡萄糖漿和水拌勻備用) 以175度烤7分鐘,再轉向烤5分鐘或上色即可, 接著放涼,即可食用!

  • (糖可以自由替換成其他糖)Brown Sugar is an optional
  • 如果不使用低筋麵粉可以使用椰子粉、堅果粉、替換混合使用,也可以搭配種子類的食材(如葵瓜籽、南瓜籽等)的粉末
  • 我使用的手工純素奶油:https://www.pinkoi.com/product/3y6JbE8g where I get the vegan butter
  • 純素糖蜜糖鹽麴胡桃酥:https://www.pinkoi.com/product/qiWt95cN Where to buy the Vegan Molasses Pecan Biscuit

Method ( preheat the oven to 180C)
let the butter set in the room temperature, until it was soft .(it took around 30minute in summer)
add the sugar into the bowl with soft butter and mix well, then add vegan oil, Shio Kouji and mix well
Blend the pecan little by little to the crumbs then pull in the bowl
add a bit of baking powder, some pastry flour, well combine till it become a biscuit dough (each biscuits dough is around 13-15g)
make it to a ball shape then use your thumb or spoon to make a small concavity on the top
brush the Shio Kouji Syrup on each biscuit dough ( mix well Shio Kouji , 75% glucose syrup , water to make Shio Kouji Syrup )
bake it with 175C 7m, turn a round for another 5m till it’s golden wait for it cool down then it’s all done, enjoy these tasty treat in any season, for the gift box ideas or tea time finger foods Hope you like it :)
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