更新於 2024/11/08閱讀時間約 11 分鐘

[看新聞學英文] 你也想「安靜離職」嗎?


安靜離職 (Quiet Quitting)



我就去網路上找了一篇在哈佛商業評論 (Harvard Business Review) 的文章剛好在討論「安靜離職」這個現象



  • → 員工/老闆心態
  • → 現實工作處境
  • → 當代的職場現象



A new term has emerged to describe an increasingly common alternative to resigning: "quiet quitting."

  • → 某新詞彙 has emerged: 某新詞彙開始流行起來 (大家都在用)
  • increasingly common: 越來越常見的
  • alternative: (另一個)選擇
  • resign: 辭職

Quiet quitting refers to opting out of tasks beyond one's assigned duties and/or becoming less psychologically invested in work. ​

  • → 某現象 refers to..: ​某現象指的就是...
  • assigned duties: 工作中被指派的責任/任務
  • less invested in..: 對於...沒那麼投入 (有點消極、被動的感覺)

Quiet quitters continue to fulfill their primary responsibilities, but they're less willing to engage in activities: no more staying late, showing up early, or attending non-mandatory meetings. ​

  • primary responsibilities: 主要的責任
  • engage in: 參與某活動
  • non-mandatory: 非必要/非強制性的 (可以自由選擇是否要參加)

After all, these employees aren't disengaging from their core tasks — they're just refusing to go beyond them. ​

  • disengaging from: 退出,停止參與某事
  • refuse to 做某事 : 拒絕做某事
  • go beyond 某事: 做超越本來範圍的事

But for many companies, a workforce that is willing to go beyond the call of duty is a critical competitive advantage.​

  • But for 誰, ..: 但對來說..
  • critical: 重要的/關鍵的
  • competitive advantage: 競爭優勢

The reality is that most jobs can't be fully defined in a formal job description or contract, so organizations rely on employees to step up to meet extra demands as needed. ​

  • The reality is that ..: 真實狀況就是..
  • → 某事物 can't be fully defined: 某事物無法被完整定義
  • → A rely on B to 做某事: A依賴B做某事
  • step up: 站出來
  • meet demands: 配合需求/符合期待

​As such, it's hardly surprising that many leaders have reacted quite negatively to the quiet quitting trend. ​

  • it's hardly surprising that ..: 某事不令人感到意外
  • → 誰 reacted negatively to 某事: 誰某事反應負面

Indeed, many leaders have argued that losing employees who want to leave is difficult, but having them not quit is even worse, as their unwillingness to go the extra mile often increases the burden on their colleagues to take on extra work instead. ​

  • argued that ..: 抱怨
  • → 某事 is difficult: 某事是一個讓人感到困難的狀況
  • → 某事 increases the burden on 誰: 某事增加了的負擔
  • take on 某事/某任務: 接下某事/任務

Furthermore, while going above and beyond can come at a cost for employees, in a healthy organization, these costs are typically counterbalanced by benefits such as increased social capital, wellbeing, and career success.

  • while…: 雖然、儘管..
  • come at a cost for 誰: 來說是有成本的 (eg, 時間成本、心力成本)
  • → A be counterbalanced by B: A可以被B平衡/抵銷
    ​這裡意思是說在工作上多付出的努力的辛苦可以被一些好處平衡掉 (eg, 更多人脈關係,幸福感,事業上的成功..)

The quiet quitting trend suggests that employees are increasingly feeling that this exchange has become unbalanced: ​

  • → 某趨勢/某現象 suggests that ..: ​某趨勢/某現象反映了(怎樣的事實/真相)
  • be increasingly feeling that..: 越來越感覺到..

Employers are demanding additional effort from workers without investing in them enough in return.​

  • demand 某東西 from 誰: 要求某東西
  • invest in 誰: 投資誰​

And critically, as the economic outlook worsens and outright quitting becomes less feasible for many people, this quiet alternative is likely to become increasingly common. ​

  • the economic outlook worsens: 經濟前景惡化
  • → 某事 becomes less feasible: 某事變得更不可行



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