2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 37 分鐘

一問四答IELTS口說範例:To Cope With A Difficult Situation


Describe an occasion when someone taught you to cope with a difficult situation. You should say:
who the person was
what the difficult situation was
what advice or help the person gave you
and explain how you felt about the person's guidance.



On a crowded MRT train during rush hour, I witnessed a heartwarming act of kindness. A pregnant woman entered the car, and no one offered her a seat in the courtesy section. She looked visibly uncomfortable, carrying a heavy bag.

Suddenly, a young student sitting in the priority seats noticed her struggle. Without hesitation, he stood up and gestured for her to take his seat. The pregnant woman gratefully accepted and expressed her thanks.

What struck me most was the reaction of an elderly man sitting nearby. He turned to the student and commended him for his thoughtful behavior. "You're a fine young man," he said with a warm smile. "Your parents must be very proud."

The student humbly replied that it was simply the right thing to do. However, his kind act had a ripple effect. A few other passengers offered their seats to those in need, restoring a sense of community on that train car.

I felt deeply touched by this simple yet powerful exchange. It reminded me that small acts of compassion can inspire others and create a more considerate society.







Once, my older sister taught me to handle a tough situation. I had a big school project, but I felt lost. I didn't know where to start. My sister noticed I was stressed. She said, "Let's make a plan together."
First, she helped me break the project into small steps. We made a list of tasks. Then, she told me to do one task each day. She also reminded me to take short breaks. She said, “Remember to reward yourself after completing each task.” This made the work feel less overwhelming.
Her advice was very helpful. I felt more organized. I started working on the project step by step. Slowly, I made good progress. I didn't feel so stressed anymore.
Her guidance made me feel confident. I was very thankful. I learned that planning makes hard things easier.
In the end, I finished my project on time. Her support was really important to me. I felt proud when I saw the completed project.







Six months ago, I was promoted to Product Manager. Initially, I was very excited about my new role. However, I soon faced a tough situation. Our recent market survey showed poor results. Sales were not growing as expected.
On top of that, my team seemed dissatisfied with my leadership. They often questioned my decisions. I felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to address these issues. I decided to talk to our CEO for advice.
The CEO was very supportive. He listened carefully and gave me valuable feedback. He suggested organizing a meeting with my team to openly discuss their concerns. He also recommended setting clear goals and expectations. This would help build trust and improve communication.
He advised me to focus on small wins to regain confidence. His advice was practical and encouraging. I felt more prepared to handle the challenges. I scheduled a team meeting to discuss the problems and possible solutions.
After implementing his suggestions, the situation improved. My team became more cooperative. We started making progress on our sales goals. I realized the importance of seeking guidance when facing difficulties.
I felt grateful for the CEO's support. His mentorship made me a better leader. Now, I feel more confident in my role as a Product Manager.








A few months after becoming a Product Manager, I faced a major challenge. Our competitor launched a new product that quickly gained popularity. Our sales began to decline, and the pressure to respond was immense.
Adding to the difficulty, some team members resisted my proposed changes to our strategy. They believed our current approach was still effective. I felt stuck and unsure of how to proceed.
Recognizing the urgency, I reached out to our CEO for guidance. He arranged a meeting to discuss the situation in detail. The CEO suggested conducting a SWOT analysis to identify our strengths and weaknesses compared to the competitor. He also advised me to hold a brainstorming session with my team to gather their ideas and involve them in decision-making.
He encouraged me to stay calm and open-minded, emphasizing the importance of teamwork. His approach was insightful and gave me a new perspective. I felt more confident about leading the team through this crisis.
I immediately organized a SWOT analysis and a brainstorming session. The team came up with innovative ideas, and we adjusted our strategy accordingly. This collaborative effort started to pay off, and we began to regain our market share.
I realized that seeking input from the team and staying adaptable were key to overcoming challenges. The CEO’s support and advice were crucial during this period. Now, I feel better equipped to navigate future obstacles in my role.







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