2024-06-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 30 分鐘

PBL 雙語兒童哲學 class-01 大綱 by Mr. gary

### Course Outline

### 課程大綱


### Lesson 1: Critical Thinking and Logic

### 課程1:批判性思維與邏輯



- Develop children's critical thinking skills and learn to identify and avoid common logical fallacies.

- 培養孩子的批判性思維能力,學會辨別和避免常見的邏輯謬誤。



1. **Fundamentals of Critical Thinking**

1. **批判性思維的基礎**

- What is critical thinking?

- 什麼是批判性思維?

- Importance of critical thinking

- 批判性思維的重要性

- How to engage in critical thinking

- 如何進行批判性思維?

2. **Common Logical Fallacies**

2. **常見的邏輯謬誤**

- Ad Hominem

- 人身攻擊(Ad Hominem)

- Straw Man Argument

- 稻草人論證(Straw Man Argument)

- Appeal to Emotion

- 訴諸情感(Appeal to Emotion)

- False Dilemma

- 偽二分法(False Dilemma)

- Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

- 後此謬誤(Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc)

- Circular Reasoning

- 循環論證(Circular Reasoning)

- Appeal to Authority

- 訴諸權威(Appeal to Authority)



1. **Case Analysis: Identifying Logical Fallacies in Stories**

1. **案例分析:辨別故事中的邏輯謬誤**

- The teacher provides several short stories or scenarios, and students need to identify the logical fallacies in them.

- 教師提供幾個短故事或情境描述,學生需找出其中的邏輯謬誤。

- Group discussion of each case, explaining why these examples contain logical fallacies.

- 小組討論每個案例,並解釋為何這些例子包含邏輯謬誤。

2. **Group Discussion: Create Your Own Logic Puzzles and Challenge Classmates**

2. **小組討論:設計自己的邏輯謎題並挑戰同學**

- Each group designs a puzzle containing logical fallacies.

- 每個小組設計一個包含邏輯謬誤的謎題。

- Groups exchange puzzles and try to identify the fallacies in each other's puzzles.

- 小組之間交換謎題,嘗試辨別對方謎題中的邏輯謬誤。

- Discuss and explain the fallacies in each puzzle and how to avoid them.

- 討論並解釋每個謎題中的邏輯謬誤以及如何避免。

**Scaffolding Teaching Practice:**


- **Teacher Guidance:** The teacher first explains the basic concepts of critical thinking and logical fallacies, providing some simple examples.

- **教師引導:** 教師首先講解批判性思維和邏輯謬誤的基本概念,並提供一些簡單的例子。

- **Cooperative Learning:** Students are divided into groups to complete case analysis and puzzle design, learning from each other through collaboration.

- **合作學習:** 學生分成小組,共同完成案例分析和謎題設計,通過合作互相學習。

- **Gradual Release:** During the activities, the teacher gradually reduces guidance, encouraging students to think independently and solve problems.

- **逐步釋放:** 在活動過程中,教師逐步減少指導,鼓勵學生自主思考和解決問題。

**Integration with Competency-Based Education:**


- **Self-Directed Learning:** Cultivate students' ability to explore and solve problems independently.

- **自主學習:** 培養學生自主探索和解決問題的能力。

- **Critical Thinking:** Emphasize the depth and breadth of thinking, enhancing students' critical analysis skills.

- **批判性思維:** 強調思考的深度和廣度,提升學生的批判性分析能力。

- **Communication and Collaboration:** Enhance students' communication and collaboration skills through group discussions and cooperative learning.

- **溝通合作:** 通過小組討論和合作學習,增強學生的溝通和合作能力。

**Course Schedule:**


- **First Hour:** Introduction and discussion of the basics of critical thinking

- **第一小時:** 批判性思維的基礎概念講解和討論

- **Second Hour:** Explanation of common logical fallacies and case analysis

- **第二小時:** 常見邏輯謬誤的講解與案例分析

- **Third Hour:** Group activities (creating and challenging puzzles) and summary reflection

- **第三小時:** 小組活動(設計謎題與互相挑戰)與總結反思

This course design not only helps students grasp the basic skills of critical thinking but also deepens their understanding and application of logical fallacies through practical exercises and interactive activities.




雙語聖經教育事工 Bilingual Bible Ministry (BBM) 旨在整合全台教會資源,以聖經為基礎,推動雙語品格教育。計劃包括研發多元化雙語教材、培訓弟兄姊妹成為雙語教師、建立資源共享平台,以及舉辦全台交流活動。透過本計劃,期望提升信徒的雙語能力與品格素養,並促進教會間的合作與交流。
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