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學測倒數:挑戰「4500 單」- 跟著瑞昇讀懂「紐約時報」 The New York Times (企業福利文化)

1 "Over the past two decades, the tech industry became famous (or infamous) for its 'perks culture,' a custom of providing employees with fanciful and luxurious amenities."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • decade (CN) 十年 (L3)
      • a period of ten years

    • industry (UN) 產業 (L3)
      • economic activity concerned with manufacturing or services

    • famous (adj) 出名的 (L3)
      • widely known or recognized

    • custom (CN) 習俗 (L3)
      • a traditional way of behaving

    • luxurious (adj) 奢華的 (L4)
      • extremely comfortable or elegant

2 "But widespread industry layoffs and an expensive pivot to building artificial intelligence led to a decline of perks culture."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • widespread (adj) 廣泛的 (L4)
      • found or distributed over a large area

    • layoff (CN) 裁員 (L4)
      • termination of employment

    • pivot (CN) 轉變 (L6)
      • a central change or adjustment

    • decline (CN) 衰退 (L4)
      • a decrease or reduction

3 "Google pioneered the modern tech perks culture during the dot-com boom, when, in 1999, it hired a massage therapist for its 40-person start-up."

Google 在網路泡沫期開創了現代科技福利文化。當時 (1999 年) 為其 40 人的新創公司聘請了一位按摩師。

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • pioneer (vt) 開創 (L4)
      • to develop or be the first to use or apply something

    • modern (adj) 現代的 (L3)
      • relating to the present or recent times

    • boom (CN) 繁榮 (L4)
      • a period of rapid economic growth

4 "Artisanal chocolate was swapped out for Twix, two current employees said."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • artisanal (adj) 手工製作的 (L6)
      • made in a traditional, non-mechanized way

    • swap (vt) 替換 (L6)
      • to exchange or substitute

5 "The tech industry laid off more than 264,000 employees last year, 100,000 more than the year before, according to Layoffs.fyi."

根據 Layoffs.fyi 的數據,去年科技產業裁員超過264,000人,比前一年多了100,000人。

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • lay off sb. (phr.) 裁員 (L4)

make sb. redundant; fire sb.; make sb. jobless

    • employee (CN) 員工 (L3)

a person employed for wages or salary

source: The New York Times What Is (or Was) ‘Perks Culture’?


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