Global Talent Program: ✦ LITEON LiMI Program✦

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"Are you a recent graduate wondering how to take the first step in your career?"

"Do you aspire to apply your skills and make an impact in developing the lastest technology?"

"Have you ever dreamed of stepping onto the global stage and working with partners from around the world?"

💫If you're looking for an opportunity to learn quickly and broaden your global horizons, LITEON's LiMI Program is your perfect choice for growth!💫


🎯 The LITEON Intelligent Manufacturing Institute (LiMI) program is now in its fifth year! Over the past four years, we have successfully nurtured 100+ global talents. These graduates of the LiMI program have become key leaders across LITEON global operations, leading intertnational projects and driving the development of LITEON's latest technology.

At LiMI, we offer five key resources to accelerate your journey: diverse networking opportunities, systematic training, personalized career planning, competitive compensation, and innovative experimentation. Here, you'll become a key driver in shaping the future of intelligent manufacturing!

⇩ Scroll down for more details ⇩

As the technology in intelligent manufacturing reshapes industries worldwide, LITEON is leading the way with the LiMI Program(LITEON intelligent MFG Institute)- a key program for nurturing global intelligent manufacturing talent. Through a one-year comprehensive training, LiMI nurtures highly skilled professionals to support the industry's transformation over the next decade.

📢 5 Key Features of the LiMI Program

1️⃣ Diverse networking Opportunity: Cross-Cultural Growth and Learning

Since its launch in 2021, the LiMI program has trained four cohorts of talents from China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, with Thailand joining in 2024. Trainees undertake a one-year journey beginning with five months of intensive training in Mainland China, where participants from different countries come together to learn, share experiences and build intercultural connections.

LiMI 4 - Ruby Taiwan
(Electrical Engineering, NSYU)
“We shared stories about our hometowns, cultures, and food, which made the experience so much more meaningful. Collaborating with teammates from Vietnam and China helped me see problems from new perspectives and gave me fresh ideas for solutions.”

2️⃣ Systematic Training: The "2 + 3 + 6 + 1" Training Framework

The one-year LiMI program is devided into four stages:

1) 2 Months of Foundational Training

Trainees build a strong foundation through courses in technical skills, project management, and general knowledge. Topics include automation, AI algorithms, and critical thinking, complemented by language training to enhance communication.

2) 3 Months of On-Site Training

During this stage, trainees gain hands-on experience at their assigned sites. They operate machines, develop cross-functional skills, and participate in project simulations. These practical experiences effectively connect theoretical knowledge with real-world application, paving the way for their advanced learning.

3) 6 Months of Internship

Building on earlier stages, trainees engage in internships where they tackle real-world projects, collaborate with team members, and deepen their expertise.

4) 1 Month of Position Matching

In the final stage, trainees are matched with departments that align with their abilities and interests. After graduation, LITEON will provide continued support for their career development through follow-up programs and activities.


LiMI 3 - Jonak (China)
Software Engineering, GDUFS

“The "2+3+6+1" training system has been very helpful for me as a software developer. Honestly, I was confused when I first joined LITEON, but after two months of basic training, I not only gained a better understanding of LITEON culture, but also gained a fundamental understanding of the production process and manufacturing theories.This was followed by a three to six month learning period in the manufacturing factory, where we began to work on our respective positions. Although I faced challenges at first, I was given enough time to grow and all the seniors and team leaders were willing to teach me.

3️⃣ Personalized Career Planning

LITEON provides personalized guidance to support both professional and personal growth throughout the program:

  • Expert Guidance: You'll work closely with experienced staff and university professors to deepen your understanding through a combination of hands-on learning and academic theory. We also collaborate with industry such as EPSON and KEYENCE to provide you with the latest in automation technologies and equipment operations.
  • Personalized Mentorship: You'll be paired with a dedicated mentor who will guide you in building job-specific skills and provide you some practical insights. Your team leaders and senior colleagues will also share their management experience to help you navigate challenges and grow professionally.
  • Dedicated Advisor Team: Our LiMI advisor team is here to support you with everything—from course planning and assisstance with internship projects to organizing trainee activities and offering personal career counseling. They'll regularly check on your progress and provide you tailored support, ensuring you have sufficient assistance at every stage.


LiMI 4 - Johnny (Taiwan)
Aerospace Engineering, NCKU
“In addition to technical guidance from univeristy professors and equipment manufacturers, the course also covers the knowledge of various positions within the company, which is very helpful for future cross-department cooperation. During my internship at Changan Factory, the team leader helped me understand the basic machines and held bi-weekly check-ins with me to track my progress. Additionally, the team-building activities arranged by the advisors and HR team made the program more enjoyable and fun.”

4️⃣ Competitive Benefits & Rewards

The compensation and benefits system is thoughtfully designed to motivate and reward trainees. In addition to a monthly training allowance, top-performing trainees in quarterly assessments are eligible for exceptional bonuses. Moreover, trainees are provided with cozy dormitories and dining facilities, allowing them to concentrate on their study and work in a confortable enviorment.

5️⃣ Innovation experimentation

Our annual Innovation Project Competition brings together both alumni and current trainees. Each year, the competition focuses on five key areas: efficiency, quality, cost, innovation, and collaboration. Some trainees use algorithmic tools and AI models to improve production efficiency; others develop new technologies to improve the technical capabilities of their factories; and some implement intelligent systems to achieve lean production. We offer relevant awards - individual, team, and honorable awards - to encourage our trainees to continue to breakthrough and innovate, and also to give them the opportunity to apply what they have heard and learned and demonstrate their value.


LiMI 2 - Nova (China)
Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learning, University of Surrey
“In our daily work, we often take on tasks assigned by our superiors. However, the project competition is a self-led initiative. For many students, it may be the first opportunity to apply what we've learned in school to real-world manufacturing scenarios and think about how to bring practical benefits to the manufacturing hub. This experience gives me the confidence that I can truly take charge of my own projects."

📢Light On Activities for our LiMI Rising Stars

🎂 Building Connections: Activities & Celebrations

While the LiMI program is fast-paced and focused on professional growth, we never lose sight of the importance of personal connections and well-being. We regularly organize activities like outdoor events, team-building workshops, and monthly birthday celebrations to strengthen bonds among all the trainees. These events provide a break from training and help trainees build lifelong friendships. Everyone here chats and plays games together, sharing the ups and downs of daily life, so that trainees can find the warmth of home at LiMI and work together effectively.



LiMI 4 - Jayden (Vietnam)
Mechatronics, HUST

“As a trainee of LiMI, I am very impressed with the activities organized during the training period, especially the organization and the company's care for LiMI members. First, the first event I participated in was mountain climbing. At that time, I was very surprised. I didn't think that after starting work, I could still have such experiential activities. It was the first time I naturally met and got to know other LiMI members. Next, the first birthday celebration for members in August was also my birthday. It was also the first time I had a birthday celebration abroad. The preparation was meticulous and beyond my imagination. Not only birthdays, also many other holidays are also organized by the company, with many bonding activities that help us become closer, good friends, and good colleagues in the future.

🪽 Graduation and New Beginnings

Each year, we celebrate a special moment of transition with a combined graduation and welcome ceremony. At the graduation ceremony, graduating trainees are awarded their completion certificates, marking the end of their fulfilling learning journey. Following this, we host an opening ceremony to warmly welcome the incoming trainees, introduce them to the program and share the resources available to support their growth and success.This event is more than just a ceremony — it's a meaningful handover between two cohorts of trainees, fostering a sense of continuity, connection, and shared community.


Are you ready to take the next step in your career?
Your future in intelligent manufacturing starts now—


The LiMI Program Cohort 5 Recruitment will

begin from mid-Feb. to mid-Jun. 2025.

Stay tuned to our IG for the latest updates.✨

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光寶尋光者 的其他內容
LITEON LIGHT SEEKER Program -English-Based Internship -2 Projects to Build Skills -3 Roles to Support you at Work -4 Activities to Build your Career
在競爭激烈的職場,每個人都希望找到自己的亮點,成為一顆獨特的星星,照耀著自己的人生道路。 光寶尋光者暑期實習,讓每位實習生探索自己的職涯、確認自我的價值,就像尋光者在黑暗中找尋星星一樣,堅持不懈地追求,直到找到那盡頭的光芒,成為在職場中發光發熱的那顆星。-LIGHT SEEKER 以下將藉由四
今天是 Smart casual 的休閒正式風,條紋襯衫內搭白色 T-shirt 、西裝褲、板鞋。夥伴們穿搭普遍來說也都是走休閒風格,公司沒有特殊規定或要求。
光寶是 Jack 從研究所畢業後就職的第一間公司,研發替代役轉正入職。在研替時期,Jack 便觀察到光寶有專為新鮮人設計的 NBA Camp 及進階的 NBA A 培育計畫。
以一個資深員工的眼光來看,光寶是什麼樣的企業呢?Elgin 首先自謙她在光寶待了五年,並不是最資深的員工,但她認為光寶可以說是「幸福企業」。
LITEON LIGHT SEEKER Program -English-Based Internship -2 Projects to Build Skills -3 Roles to Support you at Work -4 Activities to Build your Career
在競爭激烈的職場,每個人都希望找到自己的亮點,成為一顆獨特的星星,照耀著自己的人生道路。 光寶尋光者暑期實習,讓每位實習生探索自己的職涯、確認自我的價值,就像尋光者在黑暗中找尋星星一樣,堅持不懈地追求,直到找到那盡頭的光芒,成為在職場中發光發熱的那顆星。-LIGHT SEEKER 以下將藉由四
今天是 Smart casual 的休閒正式風,條紋襯衫內搭白色 T-shirt 、西裝褲、板鞋。夥伴們穿搭普遍來說也都是走休閒風格,公司沒有特殊規定或要求。
光寶是 Jack 從研究所畢業後就職的第一間公司,研發替代役轉正入職。在研替時期,Jack 便觀察到光寶有專為新鮮人設計的 NBA Camp 及進階的 NBA A 培育計畫。
以一個資深員工的眼光來看,光寶是什麼樣的企業呢?Elgin 首先自謙她在光寶待了五年,並不是最資深的員工,但她認為光寶可以說是「幸福企業」。
Google News 追蹤
TIDAF第二(10)日第三場是由陽獅集團(PUBLICIS GROUP)創新長兼Digitas總經理張志豪來分享。資管、心理學背景出身的Felix,先去數據公司上班,回台之後待最久的是設計公司,所以他希望在所以的創新裡,都有些人性、設計感在裡面,設計不只是視覺,更是整個商業模組。
在今年 6 月黃仁勳於台大綜合體育館的演講中,有一個環節是在其身後背板上列出所有 NVIDIA 的台灣供應鏈夥伴,新漢集團就是其中之一。
想知道如何提升臺灣科技產業競爭力、突破職場瓶頸嗎?本次怪獸科技公司專訪中,Spotify 資深產品經理(Product Lead)Agnes Li 分享她在科技業的觀察與見解。從香港、新加坡、印尼、倫敦等多元國際經驗中獲得的多角度見解,讓我們更理解全球科技大廠產業現況!
文、圖/電通集團 有感於當今的商業環境瞬息萬變,培育當代人才更是各行各業的首要之重,電通行銷播集團特別針對16至20歲青年開辦未來領袖學習營:【FutureGen未來生成學習營】將於8月12日至8月16日隆重登場。這一營隊旨在培養未來領袖,透過AI、區塊鏈、創意、設計思維(Design Thi
林健嶧,智唯股份有限公司負責人。專業技術人員出身,鑽研AI技術已長達十年之久,因看好未來AI市場的發展性,適逢自己職涯的轉唳點,毅然 決然創立智唯股份有限公司,在草創初期,盡其所能研究AI技術與市場連結性與解決方案,全力推展AI技術在產業面的實務應用,笑稱自己從『打工仔』成老闆,再創事業第二春。
本週設計新聞: LEGO 全新識別系統 / Google 相簿用戶將獲得免費 3 款 AI 工具 / 南京新車站設計遭網友嘲笑,外觀似衛生棉 / Adobe 以每分鐘約 3 美元收購 AI 訓練影片素材 / RSPCA 推出新標誌和品牌識別
TIDAF第二(10)日第三場是由陽獅集團(PUBLICIS GROUP)創新長兼Digitas總經理張志豪來分享。資管、心理學背景出身的Felix,先去數據公司上班,回台之後待最久的是設計公司,所以他希望在所以的創新裡,都有些人性、設計感在裡面,設計不只是視覺,更是整個商業模組。
在今年 6 月黃仁勳於台大綜合體育館的演講中,有一個環節是在其身後背板上列出所有 NVIDIA 的台灣供應鏈夥伴,新漢集團就是其中之一。
想知道如何提升臺灣科技產業競爭力、突破職場瓶頸嗎?本次怪獸科技公司專訪中,Spotify 資深產品經理(Product Lead)Agnes Li 分享她在科技業的觀察與見解。從香港、新加坡、印尼、倫敦等多元國際經驗中獲得的多角度見解,讓我們更理解全球科技大廠產業現況!
文、圖/電通集團 有感於當今的商業環境瞬息萬變,培育當代人才更是各行各業的首要之重,電通行銷播集團特別針對16至20歲青年開辦未來領袖學習營:【FutureGen未來生成學習營】將於8月12日至8月16日隆重登場。這一營隊旨在培養未來領袖,透過AI、區塊鏈、創意、設計思維(Design Thi
林健嶧,智唯股份有限公司負責人。專業技術人員出身,鑽研AI技術已長達十年之久,因看好未來AI市場的發展性,適逢自己職涯的轉唳點,毅然 決然創立智唯股份有限公司,在草創初期,盡其所能研究AI技術與市場連結性與解決方案,全力推展AI技術在產業面的實務應用,笑稱自己從『打工仔』成老闆,再創事業第二春。
本週設計新聞: LEGO 全新識別系統 / Google 相簿用戶將獲得免費 3 款 AI 工具 / 南京新車站設計遭網友嘲笑,外觀似衛生棉 / Adobe 以每分鐘約 3 美元收購 AI 訓練影片素材 / RSPCA 推出新標誌和品牌識別