The starting point can be the knee. Begin by moving down towards the calf, passing the ankle, and then turning towards the top of the foot. After gently massaging the toes, flip to the sole, knead the heel, and then glide back up the calf, returning to the inner thigh, naturally leading to a caress of the hips.
If you've already teased the nipples elsewhere, it's better to start from the head and around the ears. Carefully stroke along the ear helix and earlobes, then trace down the side of the neck to the collarbone, letting kisses fall as they extend to the shoulder. Kiss your way down to the inner elbow while your hands glide along the outer breast, to the areola, but avoiding the nipples.
Use the thumbs to gently caress the skin over the mons pubis, or softly press the opening with the middle finger, brushing against the clitoris to gauge arousal. If there’s excitement, you can proceed to open the legs for oral, combining it with teasing the nipples that have yet to be touched.