2024-05-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

口說練習 - The Importance of Sadness



Today's Topic:

Describe the reason why sadness is sometimes necessary

In my mind, sadness is necessary for the following reasons.

1. Sadness promotes me to cherish happy times. If we are happy all the time, we might not be able to embrace happiness. Sadness helps us sense the ups and downs in our life, through which, we will discover the importance of every glad moment.

2. Sadness gives me motivation to work harder. In the past, whenever I failed on my study, I would spend more time working and pushing progress forward. The sad feeling equipped me with the drive to be more dedicated.

I also want to quote what the expert says. Sadness is an emotion that organizes our behavioral responses to losses of someone or something important, or to something not attained. Sadness reminds us of what matters to us. It can focus our attention on pursuing values, important goals, and communicating to others that we need support. Sadness connects us with others. It may even lead us to acceptance of life in the present moment.

How to deal with the sadness?

I have asked lots of my friends about ways of dealing with sadness, and they suggest I come up with 30 pieces of tasks which can lift up my mood. And those tasks can be divided into three parts.

  1. First, do something interesting, such as strolling around the streets on a scooter, exercising in the fitness center.
  2. Second, chatting with friends and family members. They will encourage us and offer some constructive advice.
  3. Third, eating evil but comforting food such as French fries and chocolate.

Collocations and Phrases

  1. cherish happy times
  2. embrace happiness
  3. ups and downs
  4. glad moment
  5. behavioral responses
  6. important goals
  7. communicate to others
  8. lift up my mood
  9. comforting food

Sentence Patterns

  1. "In my mind, sadness is necessary for the following reasons."
  2. "Sadness promotes me to cherish happy times."
  3. "If we are happy all the time, we might not be able to embrace happiness."
  4. "Sadness helps us sense the ups and downs in our life, through which, we will discover the importance of every glad moment."
  5. "Sadness gives me motivation to work harder."
  6. "In the past, whenever I failed on my study, I would spend more time working and pushing progress forward."
  7. "The sad feeling equipped me with the drive to be more dedicated."
  8. "Sadness is an emotion that organizes our behavioral responses to losses of someone or something important, or to something not attained."
  9. "Sadness reminds us of what matters to us."
  10. "I have asked lots of my friends about ways of dealing with sadness, and they suggest I come up with 30 pieces of tasks which can lift up my mood."


Do you feel excited to be a intern teacher?

I must feel excited in the progress; however, the pressure must surpass the feeling of excited.

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