延續上周內容,這周進入Nightwood這本書的第二段 La Somnambule (夢遊者),把這段的內容摘要整理在這邊和大家分享。歡迎一起討論、回饋,如果哪裡誤解作者的意思或有不同解讀,都非常歡迎!謝謝大家~!
His fabrications seemed to be the framework of a forgotten but imposing plan; some condition of life of which he was the sole surviving retainer. His manner was that of a servant of a defunct noble family.
He knew that he would continue to like the doctor, though he was aware that it would be in spite of a long series of convulsions of the spirit, analogous to the displacement in the fluids of the oyster, that must cover its itch with a pearl; so he would have to cover the doctor. He knew at the same time that this stricture of acceptance (by which what we must love is made into what we can love) would eventually be a part of himself, though originally brought on by no will of his own.
女子醒後還是很虛弱,但似乎認得醫生。Felix注意到女子的眼睛湛藍得令人驚艷,神秘得彷彿野獸。Felix直覺感到危險,卻也深深受到吸引,但他的卑微出身讓他早已習慣不能沉浸於情緒。女子用迷人的低沉聲音說,希望他們待她好轉再來見她。醫生從旁人得知女子名叫Robin Vote,隨後兩人就回到咖啡館。
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 1, Bow Down (1)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 1, Bow Down (2)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 2, La Somnambule (1)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 2, La Somnambule (2)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 3, Nightwatch
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 4, The Squatter
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Chapter 5,Watchman, What of the Night 1
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood: Watchman, What of the Night 2
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Ch.6: "Where the Tree Falls"
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Ch.7: Go Down, Matthew (1)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Ch.7: Go Down, Matthew (2)
【摘要練習】Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Ch.7 (3) + Ch.8 The Possessed