【靈魂拷問|首度赤裸公開】290 個面試題目的錦囊寶典

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過去 8 年,作為組織內的功能主管,我擔任面試官面試新人時有一個蒐羅 290 個面試題目的錦囊寶典,問完了專業素養跟求職者的職位符不符合等問題後,我會從下面的考古題挑選 3-5 題進行靈魂拷問......
1. 你最重要的人際關係是什麼?
2. 你的家庭生活、個人生活、友誼、和社區如何豐富或妨礙了你的職場生活?
3. 你如何適應對職場生活中的誘惑和壓力並保持自己的方向?
4. 人生各個面向中,你面對過最艱難的抉擇或取捨是什麼?未來你會有什麼不同的作法?
5. 你如何平衡人生各個部分所需要的時間?
6. 目前你用什麼方式衡量人生的成功?什麼是你的個人計分卡?
7. 這一生你希望達到哪些長遠的成就?
8. 人生中帶給你最大幸福的是什麼?
9. 你希望對他人產生哪些正面影響?(出自《領導的真誠修練:傑出領導者的13個生命練習題》,Bill George & Peter Sims,頁222)
10. 目前有哪些資格考試證書?將來會準備將它們運用在工作上?
11. 你如何應付突然的龐大工作量?

12. 你覺得你可以在本公司得到哪些發揮?

13. 你喜歡一個人工作還是團體合作?

14. 你對自己在企畫和提案方面有信心嗎?

15. 你能否描述一下離開以前工作單位的原因?

16. 你的專業怎麼與所應徵的職位不相符?
17. 請你談談你線上遊戲的經驗。
18. 你有沒有上司不在時,必須獨自做出重要的決定?那時你是怎麼思考和處理的?
19. 這次面試你準備了多久?
20. 如果有客人大罵廁所太髒,你要如何因應?
21. 你剛剛說前一個老闆很賞識你,你也與他親如兄弟,那為什麼會想離職?
22. Which of your skills do you feel is most relevant to this position?
23. How did you decide to pursue opportunities here?
24. What frustrates you the most and why?
25. Describe the biggest problem you ever faced on the job and how you resolved it.
26. Do you have any questions for us?
27. What does the word “success” mean to you?
28. How do you generally handle conflicts?
29. Name three personal characteristics that best describe you.
30. Do you have any actual work experience?
31. How were your grades at school?
32. Do you think you’re an extrovert or an introvert?
33. Could you tell me what do you know about our company?
34. Have you sent your application to any other companies?
35. What are you going to do if you are ordered to work overtime?
36. What were your positions, rates of pay, dates of employment, name and title of supervisors for the pas ___ year(s)
37. How did you get your last job?
38. What is the reason you left / are planning to leave _________ organization?
39. How did you hear about this position?
40. Have you received any other job offers? What other organizations or positions are you considering?
41. What do you do with your spare time?
42. What are you doing now to attain a goal you have set for yourself?
43. What is your current salary?
44. Have you ever been denied a salary increase?
45. Were you ever fired? Describe the circumstances.

46. Describe a few situations where your work was criticized?

47. There appears to be a gap of ___ months / years on your résumé? What were you doing during that period?
48. How does this position compare with others you are considering?
49. What is your overall impression of your current / last job / organization?
50. Can we contact your references, present / former employers?
51. I saw on your résumé that you enjoy _____
How did you get interested in this?
52. Our _____ team has won the industry cup for three years in a row. Do you play _____?
53. What do you prefer to be called?
54. What do you think about (any controversial “ in the news” topic) ?
55. Tell me about yourself.
56. Are you looking for a permanent or temporary job?
57. How do you feel about looking for another job?
58. What career options do you have at this moment?
59. Describe a major goal you have recently set for yourself.
60. Describe the best job you ever had.
61. How do you feel about your career progress to date?
62. How do you define success?
63. What personal characteristics do you think will be needed to be a success in this position?
64. What kind of people do you like to work with? ( or What do you feel is the easiest type of person to deal with? The most difficult?)
65. What are your long-range goals?
66. What are your strong / weak points?
67. What is your greatest accomplishment?
68. What do you think of your current / former boss?
69. Is there any evidence which could prove you are creative / responsible / active?
70. How would you describe your own personality?
71. How much would it take to get you? ( Or What do you feel this position should pay? )
72. What do you know about the position for which you are applying?
73. What is your overall impression of this position / organization?
74. What have you learned from the jobs that you have held?
75. Do you feel that you have top management / coordination potential?
76. What important trends do you see in our industry?
77. What would be your ideal work group?
78. Have you ever had to motivate or build team spirit with co-workers? Describe why this happened.
79. Have you ever worked for a difficult person?
80. Do / Did you work on major projects in you current / most recent job? Tell me about a project in your current / last job that you really got excited about?
What were / are the most important projects completed on you last / current job?
81. In what ways has your current / last job prepared you to take on greater responsibility?
82. How were you evaluated on your last / current job?
83. What makes you think you could handle a position that requires so many diverse talents and persuasive skills?
84. Give some examples showing that you are a good manager / employee / leader.
85. Describe an incident from your pas experience supporting that you are a persistent person.
86. What is your relationship with your former employer?
87. Tell me about a difficult situation when you pulled the team together.
88. When you begin to work with new people, how do you get to understand them? Are you successful in predicting / interpreting their behavior? Give examples.
89. Describe a complex problem that you had to deal with.
90. Describe circumstances where you had to work under pressure and deal with deadlines.
91. Can you work overtime? Evenings? Weekends?
92. Do you have any questions?
93. Illegal Questions:
(1) Where were you born? / Where do you come from?
(2) Are you married / single / divorced?
(3) Do you have any children? or Do you plan to have children? And when? or Who cares for your children while you work?
(4) Where does your spouse work?
(5) What do your parents do?
(6) Are you a religious person?
(7) How old are you?
(8) Do you belong to a trade union / church / political party?
(9) Would you be willing to start at a lower salary level because of your inexperience ( Source: Matthew J. DeLuca, Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions. McGraw-Hill. United States of America.)?
94. The average age of our employees is _________ years. How would you manage them?
95. Have you seen our advertising? Our commercials? What did you like or not like about them?
96. Have you seen or used our products / services? What did you like or not like about them?
97. How do you like to be managed?
98. Sell me this pen / watch / book / chair / wallet.
99. What can you tell me that I do not already know that would make me hire you?
100. What do you think is our organization’s strength? Weakness?
101. At your last job, how much of your work was done independently and how much was done as part of a team?
102. Can you work with people with big egos or with fragile egos?
103. How do you build relationships with new customers?
104. How do you cope with pressure?
105. What are your primary activities outside of work?
106. What do you expect to experience in this job that you did not experience in your last job?
107. If you could change one aspect of your personality, what would it be?
108. Which skill do you think is essential to this job? Why?
109. I see you went to school overseas; why did you not attend school in the United States?
110. I see that there are several long periods of time when you did not work. Why?
111. When could you start?
112. Your course of study does not seem to relate to our organization; why are you changing your focus / interviewing with us?
113. Why did it take you so long, _____ years, to complete your studies?
114. Describe your most rewarding college / business experience.
115. Could you tell me about your experience of acting as a volunteer?
116. What are your plans for continuing your education?
117. What personal, non-job-related goals have you set for yourself?
118. When was the last time you doubted your professional abilities?
119. What have you read recently in your field? What is the most recent book.
you read all about?
120. Tell me about a time when you had to make a fast decision.
121. Have you been to our Website? Please give me your comments – what did you like and dislike ( Matthew J. DeLuca & Nanette F. DeLuca (2001), More Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions. McGraw-Hill. United States of America.)?
122. How has your degree assisted you in your career?
123. Why is your career path different to your course of study?
124. What are your interests outside work?
125. What stresses you at work; give me an example.
126. Who do you find it challenging to work with?
127. Tell me about how you work in a team. / Are you a team person?
128. How would your previous colleagues / classmates / professors describe you?
129. Where else have you applied?

130. Have you any questions for us?

131. Tell me about your leadership style. In what way do you lead people?
132. You can work shifts, can’t you?
133. What was the result of a recent negotiation you have had and how was it achieved?
134. Do you feel your education prepared you well for the challenges in the work force?
135. How did you finance your education?
136. Did you ever need tutoring? In what subjects?
137. How much knowledge gained in school do you feel you could use on this job?
138. Do you occasionally get bored while doing detailed work?
139. Do you like analytical tasks?
140. Do you get bored or lose interest in doing the same tasks over and over again?
141. Do you think you are an innovative person? Why do you think so?
142. Have you ever done any foolish things?
143. How do you define doing a good job in your profession?
144. How often have you missed deadlines and what were the usual causes?
145. Tell me about an instance when you worked hard and felt proud of your achievement.
146. What were your reasons for leaving your last job?
147. If there was something about yourself that you would like to improve, what would it be?
148. Have you ever lost your temper at work?
149. How do you relax after a hard day at work?
150. Do you prefer working alone or being part of a team?
151. Have you ever worked alone, without any supervision at all?
152. What was the most difficult group you have had to co-operate with? Why was dealing with them difficult?
153. What are your current / future plans for self-improvement?
154. What are some of the most important decisions you have made in your life?
155. What do you do when you have an important decision to make?
156. What are your career goals for the next five years? How do you plan to achieve them?

157. Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

158. Should you be offered this job, when would you expect a promotion?
159. How will our company benefit from hiring you?
160. Do you think your lack of experience could affect your performance on this job?
161. Don’t you think you are over-qualified for this position?
162. Do you smoke? There are quite a few smokers in our office. As a non-smoker, do you see that as a problem?
163. What criteria do you use to priorities your work?
164. This job requires frequent travel. Would that create a problem for you?
165. How do you prepare yourself for a particularly difficult and important sales presentation?
166. Explain briefly your attitude and approach to selling, either products or ideas. What methods do you use and why?
167. What specifically do you do to set an example for your subordinates / co-workers?
168. Have you ever been asked to improve the quality of your work? What was the situation and what did you do about it?
169. What will you do if you do not get this position?
170. What are your feelings about working for a large / small company like ours?
171. Have you ever worked for a boss younger or less experienced than yourself?
172. How would you feel about working for a female supervisor?
173. How have you changed over the last five years?
174. Questions for school leavers
(1) What was your favorite subject / professor at school?
(2) Which subjects were easy for you and which were difficult?
(3) Tell me about the best school project you ever did.
(4) What is your favourite TV show?
(5) What sports do you like to play?
(6) Describe your past part-time jobs.
(7) What do you see yourself doing in the future?
(8) If you could be anyone in the world, who would you want to be, and why?
175. What are you looking forward to most in this job?
176. How long will you stay in this job? What are your long-term career aspirations?
(1) What do you know about our products / services?
(2) Have you bought our products / used our services?
178. Sell this pen / computer/ office space/ mobile phone to me (Max Eggert (2005), Perfect Answers to Interview Questions. Random House Business Books. UK).
179. 爆難答的問題:
(1) 全球有多少個鋼琴調音師?
(2) 1+1=9,為什麼?
(3) 你要怎麼為世界首富設計浴室?(回答時,你的開場白應該是,你會先聽聽比爾蓋茲想要什麼樣的浴室。你會先知道預算和完工期限。然後你會提出許多建議,看看他中意哪些。接著你向比爾蓋茲提出企畫案,徵詢他的意見。這個企畫案會經過多次修正。同時,你得確定這個企畫案會準時提出,並在預算範圍內。這個重點對任何設計題都適用。另外,關於你想到的點子,要有心理準備,就是難以超越現實。比爾蓋茲的浴缸的功能之一,是「可以從座車遙控水溫」。)
(4) 為什麼鏡中影像是左右相反而不是上下顛倒?
(5) 如果你可以剔除美國五十州的任何一州,妳會選哪一州?
(6) 為什麼啤酒罐的頭尾兩端比較窄?
(7) 你要如何移動富士山?要多久?
(8) 你會如何製造M & M巧克力?
(9) 不用磅秤,要如何測量一架噴射機的重量?
(10) 時鐘的時針和分針一天重疊多少次?
(11) 你會如何設計盲人專用的調味瓶架?
(12) 一架波音747客機可以裝進多少個乒乓球?(威廉‧龐士東(2005)。《如何移動富士山》。臺北市:雅言文化)。
180. 傳統問題:
(1) 什麼帶給你快樂?
(2) 如果你看到同事做不誠實的事情,你會告訴上司嗎?
(3) 你同時可以處理幾個project?
(4) 對你來說,快速完成任務比追求完美更重要嗎?
(5) 你會如何向祖母解釋Excel?(軟問題)
(6) 如果微軟願意投資五百萬美元讓你創業,你會做什麼行業(威廉‧龐士東(2005)。《如何移動富士山》。頁101。臺北市:雅言文化)?
181. 當被問到「有任何問題要問嗎?」時,你可以這樣問:
(1) 依你的經驗及看法,這份工作最大的挑戰會來自於?
(2) 您心目中理想的人選,須具備哪些特質及經歷?
(3) 您認為要具備什麼條件,才會在這個工作上真正成功?
(4) XX雜誌曾報導,貴公司將於明年中於大陸成立分公司,準備進行xx的研發,屆時生產線產能是否能夠應付所需?
(5) 貴公司未來六個月的優先目標為何?像我這樣的人可以幫得上什麼忙?
(6) 貴公司表現傑出的員工其共同特點是什麼?
(7) 貴公司明年/未來三年/往後五年的發展願景是?
(8) 如果我被錄用,會不會同時參與兩個以上的專案?
(9) 你們目前的主力專案有哪些?
(10) 薪資的調整是否和績效有關?
(11) 我有沒有機會發揮我在語言方面的專長?
(12) 在過去兩年裡,你們錄用的大學畢業生的就業生涯發展情況為何?
(13) What are the promotional opportunities?
(14) How do you see me fitting in this position?
(15) What will the training period be like?
(16) What are the next steps in the hiring process?
182. 你過去一個禮拜有沒有看過任何商業財經雜誌?有什麼心得?
183. 你最喜歡的一本財經類書籍是?
184. 外商公司的面試決勝題:
(1) 談談你過去如何成功地執行一個專案?
(2) 談談家庭背景,對父母親的感覺
(3) 你大學時最重要科目的老師及成績為何?
(4) 你過去有無非達成不可的目標?是什麼?為什麼?最後有達成嗎?
(5) 談談過去做過令你引以為傲的事情?為什麼?對你的生涯有何影響?
185. 請在你眼前這個杯子裡倒入半杯的水,然後以杯子為題,進行五分鐘的談話。
186. 公司突然派你明天到坦桑尼亞出差半年,只能夠攜帶一個背包。你會在背包裡裝什麼?
187. 請想一想,行動電話在五年之後會是一個怎樣的情形?
188. 請你想一想,在五年後你自己會變成如何。
189. 除了學業知識以外,你在大學裡還學到了哪些技巧?
190. 在大學畢業之後你繼續攻讀碩士,是不是覺得先有一些工作經驗之後再繼續唸書會更有幫助?
191. 告訴我你的財務管理技巧/寫作技巧。
192. 可否舉一個實例,說明你的協商技巧?
193. 如果你忽然獲得五千萬,可以用來改善本鎮,你要如何使用這筆錢?
194. 今天的新聞當中,哪件事是你最關心的?
195. 你相信人值得信賴嗎?
196. 你相信人願意承擔責任嗎?
197. 你相信人會追尋工作的意義嗎?
198. 你相信人天生就希望學習嗎?
199. 你相信人拒絕改變,但卻拒絕被改變嗎?
200. 你相信人比較喜歡工作,不願遊手好閒嗎?
201. 談談你自己吧。
202. 你有什麼問題要問嗎?
203. 你的期望待遇是什麼?
204. 為什麼想離開目前的工作?
205. 你覺得自己最大的長處為何?
206. 你覺得自己最大的弱點(缺點)是什麼?
207. 你多快可以開始來上班?
208. 目前的工作上,你覺得比較困難的部分在那裏?
209. 為什麼你值得我們雇用呢?
210. 你的工作中最令你喜歡的部分是什麼?
211. 對於目前的工作,你覺得最不喜歡的地方是什麼?
212. 你找工作時最在乎的是什麼?請談一下你理想中的工作。
213. 請介紹你的家庭。
214. 請談談在工作時曾經令你感到十分沮喪的一次經驗。
215. 你最近找工作時曾面談過哪些工作?應徵什麼職位?結果如何?
216. 請你用英文介紹目前服務的公司。
217. 如果我雇用你,你覺得可以為部門帶來什麼樣的貢獻?
218. 你覺得自己具備什麼樣的資格來應徵這項工作?
219. 談談你最近閱讀的一本書或雜誌。

210. 你覺得你的主管(同事)會給你什麼樣的評語?

211. 你如何規劃未來,你認為5年後能達到什麼樣的成就?
212. 你覺得要獲得職業上的成功需要具備什麼樣的特質及能力?
213. 談談你覺得對於自己的表現不甚滿意的一次工作經歷。
214. 由你的履歷來看,你在過去5年內更換工作頗為頻繁,我如何知道如果我們錄用你,你不會很快地離職?
215. 你曾經因為某一次特殊經驗而影響日後地工作態度嗎?
216. 你最近是否參加了培訓課程?談談培訓課程的內容。是公司資助還是自費參加?
217. 對於工作表現不盡理想的人員,你會以什麼樣的激勵方式來提升其工作效率?
218. 你曾聽說過我們公司嗎?你對於本公司的第一印象如何?
219. 你如何克服工作的低潮期?

220. 你與同事之間的相處曾有不愉快的經歷嗎?

221. 談談你對加班的看法。
222. 請描述目前主管所具備的哪些特質是你認為值得學習的?

223. 你對於我們公司瞭解多少?

224. 你目前已離職了嗎?
225. 如果這份工作經常要出差出國,平均每個月兩次,每次約5天,你可以接受嗎?
226. 你開始投入找工作的時間有多久了?

227. 你自認為還有哪些方面可以再加強?

228. 如何由工作中看出你是個自動自發的人?
229. 在你過去的銷售經驗中,曾遇到什麼樣的難題?你如何克服它?
230. 你通常從事什麼樣的休閒活動?
231. 你對這份“行銷助理”(或者其他職務)的工作有什麼樣的展望?
232. 你如何讓部署有傑出的工作表現?
233. 對於“變化”你如何應付?
234. 你為何挑選這三位人士做為你的推薦人?

235. 請描述你目前(或之前)的主管最令人不滿的地方是什麼?

236. 你認為這個產業在未來5年內的趨勢如何?
237. 你的主管認為你在哪些方面有改進的必要?
238. 你的工作通常能在時限內完成嗎?
239. 你對於社團活動的看法如何?
240. 你覺得“秘書”(或其他職務)的工作內容究竟是什麼?
241. 你為什麼選擇念(歷史)系?
242. 你在同一家公司待了這麼長的時間,難道不覺得若要再去重新適應新的企業文化,可能會產生嚴重的水土不服現象嗎?你的適應能力`應變能力如何?
243. 對於明知實施後會引起反彈的政策,你仍能貫徹到底嗎?
244. 如果時光能倒流,你會選擇不一樣的大學生活嗎?
245. 你認為“成功”的定義是什麼?
246. 如何兼顧事業與家庭?
247. 你覺得他人的肯定對你很重要嗎?以(員工關係)這樣性質的工作而言,通常是吃力不討好的,你如何讓自己保持沖勁呢?

248. 你認為什麼是自己最需要改進的?

249. 你覺得學生時代所接受的各項培訓足以令你勝任這份工作嗎?
250. 如果你有機會重新選擇,你會選擇不一樣的工作領域嗎?
251. 你曾經有解雇員工的經驗嗎?
252. 請談談工作中比較會令你感到無力感的部分。
253. 你覺得自己還有哪些方面的特長是沒有寫在履歷表上的?
254. 你比較喜歡團隊合作的工作方式,還是獨立作業?
255. 在你之前的工作經驗中,哪一向是值得繼續沿用至目前的?
256. 你覺得你在時間安排運用方面的能力如何?
257. 通常對於別人的批評,你會有什麼樣的反應?
258. 如果明知“這樣做不對”,你還是會依主管的指示去做嗎?
259. 你知道這份工作需要常常加班嗎?你覺得你能配合嗎?
260. 什麼樣的管理風格是你所欣賞的?
261. 你如何做出決策?
262. 當你進入一家新的公司或新的產業,你會經由何種方式獲得相關知識?
263. 身為一名業務人員,當你被客戶拒絕時,你會如何處理?
264. 你對於主管的學歷、能力都低於你有什麼樣的看法?
265. 你還有繼續念研究所的計畫嗎?
266. 請敍述你個人的管理風格?

267. 談談最近一次因為工作而情緒失控的情形。

268. 你對於“創業”有什麼樣的看法?
269. 你的主管最常建議你哪方面的能力有待加強?
270. 你會希望做你老闆的工作嗎?為什麼?
271. 你與同仁之間相處發生問題時,你會怎麼做?
272. 可否描述一下你自己的個性?
273. 你的工作內容中包括列預算、審核費用,以及監督部門支出的流向等方面嗎?談談你在這方面的經驗。
274. 如果我們的競爭對手也有薏錄用你,你的態度如何?
275. 你對於與女性主管共事的看法如何?
276. 你為什麼會考慮接受一份各方面條件都地獄目前的工作?
277. 你會考慮接受低於目前的待遇嗎?
278. 你可以接受職務外調的安排嗎?

279. 如果客戶在銀行的櫃檯處大聲抱怨,你如何處理?

280. 如果你接到一通客戶的抱怨電話,你確知無法立即解決他的問題時,你會如何處理?
281. 你有繼續進修的計畫嗎?通常下班後的時間,你都做些什麼?
282. 如果你進入本公司,對於這項職務以及這個部門,你打算做什麼樣的改變?
283. 你在 XXX 公司時,曾經有在制度或組織層面進行調整改變嗎?
284. 你覺得什麼樣的人最難相處?
285. 請敍述你一天的工作情形。
286. 你在學校時曾參與哪些課外活動?
287. 求學時,曾經利用課餘打工嗎?
288. 你在學校時,曾擔任系上或社團幹部嗎?是什麼樣的職務?
289. 我注意到你曾擔任校園刊物的編輯,你的主要工作是什麼?
290. 你曾經與晉升的機會失之交臂嗎?
Elvis,目前在餐飲新創擔任營運總監。政治大學新聞系、新聞研究所碩士畢,曾於 BBC 與美聯社實習,卻從未擔任一天的正職記者。過去 5 份工作皆任職於知名企業:統一、雀巢、85度C、Gogoro 和恆隆行。他是 Gogoro 首批開疆闢土的員工之一,前後 6.33 年,先在其首間實體門市 – 信義全球體驗中心擔任總店長,後成為 Gogoro資深車主社群經理,透過線上跟線下操作,轉動用戶社群,產生大量行銷內容與媒體效益,並創造正向改變,引領 1,303 位車主創下金氏世界紀錄;更曾以英文向美國前副總統高爾執行簡報。作為公眾演講狂熱者,生涯累積超過橫跨 8 大不同主題,共 181 場演講或教育訓練,也在 104, 1111, Yes123, Sofasoda 等擔任職涯顧問。歡迎來信交流:elvistaiwan2021@gmail.com。
曾向美國前副總統高爾執行簡報。累積超過181場演講或訓練,主題涵蓋:履歷表/自傳/Cover Letter撰寫、面試技巧與職涯諮詢、社群行銷、減醣心得與體適能、咖啡等;著作散佈在《大人學》、《Cheers》、《商業週刊》、《104》等。也在 104, 1111, Yes123, Sofasoda 等擔任職涯顧問。
Elvis Lin的沙龍 的其他內容
1. 永遠不要跑上講台、在講台上跑、或者跑下講台 ( Never run to the stage, on the stage, off the stage. ) 永遠記得穩當而平和地「走」向舞台中心點或者講台附近,腳步踩定後,再微轉身面向觀眾,停頓一秒,開始說話。別心急。你不著急,........
1. 第一份工作,做滿三年半再離職 第一年學、第二年熟、第三年才有貢獻的。在求職者的履歷表上,第一份工作年資小於三年,然後聲稱自己「已經全部都學完了」、「沒意思」、「沒有成長空間」這些文字,我完全看不下去。你知道在考慮離職前,你還有100種選擇嗎?如果老闆交代的工作已經做得滾瓜爛熟,能不能把同...
1. 專注於時間「顆粒度」,以「 5 分鐘」為⼀單位 世界首富比爾蓋茨跟中國首富王健林的時間,都是以「 5 分鐘」為⼀單位。開玩笑地說,如果你不想變首富,可以不要對時間斤斤計較;但即使你真的不想變首富,也可以將重視時間觀念,轉變為重視「時間顆粒度」的觀念。當顆粒度產生,你會更查覺到時間的流淌....
5. 讓對⽅先掛斷電話 ( Don’t hang up before the other side. ) 這是最奈米級的小事,但除非真的尿急或者天塌下來,請當最後掛斷電話的那個人。 同樣的道理,在視訊會議結束時,多留個 5 秒鐘再離開,別成為第一個逃之夭夭的人。想像在線下會議結束的當下,......
【快速摘要】 我在 Gogoro 最壞的時代,也是最好的時代與之共舞,感觸良多、教訓無數,這邊,也想分享幾件寶貴的事情,給所有大無畏的、傻裡傻氣的、憧憬新創的你(妳): 一、有機會的話,趁年輕、趁早、趁肝還新鮮時,加入新創公司 二、「別丟⼈了,你的努力不值錢 。」 四、換位思考,風景會截然不同...
在超過三人的團體面試中,當面試官提出開放式問題,並且要求輪流回答時,永遠記得「第二個舉手回答」。千萬不要第一個搶答,首先,思考時間過短可能導致回答不周全;其次,沒有 benchmark 的對象,無論你的回答再有洞見、見的,可能也會讓對方有所保留,就像歌唱比賽時,第一個上場的很難拿下滿分.......
1. 永遠不要跑上講台、在講台上跑、或者跑下講台 ( Never run to the stage, on the stage, off the stage. ) 永遠記得穩當而平和地「走」向舞台中心點或者講台附近,腳步踩定後,再微轉身面向觀眾,停頓一秒,開始說話。別心急。你不著急,........
1. 第一份工作,做滿三年半再離職 第一年學、第二年熟、第三年才有貢獻的。在求職者的履歷表上,第一份工作年資小於三年,然後聲稱自己「已經全部都學完了」、「沒意思」、「沒有成長空間」這些文字,我完全看不下去。你知道在考慮離職前,你還有100種選擇嗎?如果老闆交代的工作已經做得滾瓜爛熟,能不能把同...
1. 專注於時間「顆粒度」,以「 5 分鐘」為⼀單位 世界首富比爾蓋茨跟中國首富王健林的時間,都是以「 5 分鐘」為⼀單位。開玩笑地說,如果你不想變首富,可以不要對時間斤斤計較;但即使你真的不想變首富,也可以將重視時間觀念,轉變為重視「時間顆粒度」的觀念。當顆粒度產生,你會更查覺到時間的流淌....
5. 讓對⽅先掛斷電話 ( Don’t hang up before the other side. ) 這是最奈米級的小事,但除非真的尿急或者天塌下來,請當最後掛斷電話的那個人。 同樣的道理,在視訊會議結束時,多留個 5 秒鐘再離開,別成為第一個逃之夭夭的人。想像在線下會議結束的當下,......
【快速摘要】 我在 Gogoro 最壞的時代,也是最好的時代與之共舞,感觸良多、教訓無數,這邊,也想分享幾件寶貴的事情,給所有大無畏的、傻裡傻氣的、憧憬新創的你(妳): 一、有機會的話,趁年輕、趁早、趁肝還新鮮時,加入新創公司 二、「別丟⼈了,你的努力不值錢 。」 四、換位思考,風景會截然不同...
在超過三人的團體面試中,當面試官提出開放式問題,並且要求輪流回答時,永遠記得「第二個舉手回答」。千萬不要第一個搶答,首先,思考時間過短可能導致回答不周全;其次,沒有 benchmark 的對象,無論你的回答再有洞見、見的,可能也會讓對方有所保留,就像歌唱比賽時,第一個上場的很難拿下滿分.......
Google News 追蹤
有換工作經驗的人,一定對這題不陌生,這算是面試中常見問題之一。 如果你要換工作的,請記得要準備好這題! 是挖坑給自己跳,還是表現的機會,取決於你怎麼回答?
分享了職涯建議,提到在面試最後,千萬不要回答「沒有問題」。 可以問「公司心目中的理想人選擁有什麼工作經歷和特質?」這樣的問題。 這樣做有三個好處:可以判斷自己的錄取可能性,了解工作實際情況、可以根據面試官的回答,再次強調自己的合適經歷和特質、如果面試官答不出來,可能表示他們也不太清楚這個職位。
有換工作經驗的人,一定對這題不陌生,這算是面試中常見問題之一。 如果你要換工作的,請記得要準備好這題! 是挖坑給自己跳,還是表現的機會,取決於你怎麼回答?
分享了職涯建議,提到在面試最後,千萬不要回答「沒有問題」。 可以問「公司心目中的理想人選擁有什麼工作經歷和特質?」這樣的問題。 這樣做有三個好處:可以判斷自己的錄取可能性,了解工作實際情況、可以根據面試官的回答,再次強調自己的合適經歷和特質、如果面試官答不出來,可能表示他們也不太清楚這個職位。