Yoga is about connection. When we connect we have a better chance of experience what the poses suppose to be. One of the most important work that I have neglected many years in yoga is not understanding core activation very well in terms of how it brings stability to joints and freedom of movement.
A good functional core work in yoga is bette understood in term of resistance. Resisting the spine to flex, extend and rotate.
Sprinter leg raise.
Hip flexion is a good simple way to lift the leg up using abdominal core and deep groin muscle. It is also help in bringing the foot forward while you’re in a lunge pose.跑者屈曲
Most side plank positions are great in anti rotation core. A simple version that stabilize the lateral oblique and QL muscles is learning to brace while lying side way. I put a block underneath my rib cage to make the serratus anterior muscle engaged, also a good option for those who have a scoliosis.
Pissing dog
Another good anti rotation core work for yogi. For someone that have poor hip joint mobility, this core work getting the glute mid to fire up for externally rotated hip while maintaining the spine neutral also great for spine stability and hip mobility. While all three limbs are stable on the floor, the abducted leg would keep the glute mid engaged, lean on another person leg to make sure the pelvis does not sway to oneside.
也是一個以髖關節活動能力為主的抗扭轉動作。很多髖關節柔軟度不佳除了肌肉緊繃以外,核心無法穩定骨盆也無法創造更多“開髖”的動作,這在瑜伽很少被重視,baddha konasna 對靜態開髖有幫助,主動性開髖我會選擇這個動作,和核心一起訓練,增加臀中肌的穩定性。找一位朋友站在對側的臀中肌,阻止骨盆左右移動,穩定脊椎和核心肌群。
Elevated feet supinated arm plank with block
While maintaining the serratus anterior strength and scapula stability, the supinated arm keep the shoulder externally rotated and building a stable upper body core. The block is to teach the neck muscle to hold isometrically, which most of us lack that cervical joint stability, it relaxes the nervous system. Both feet assisted of the floor to keep the entire body erect, this would be a final touch. A good pose to help us learn core work for handstand
這動作訓練前鋸肌和內外斜肌,維持肩胛骨的為穩定,同時雙手臂在外旋的狀態,讓肩膀有良好的關節穩定。我放了一個磚塊在頭下面讓頸部的肌肉以等長收縮的方式來增加頸椎的穩定, 同時能放鬆脖子的肌肉。雙腳被抬起的時候全身上下就像是做倒立一樣,是個不錯手倒立前的啟動核心的暖身動作。
Exercises selected build with intent, and progress to cognitively arouse the nervous system to learn how to resist the spine, stacking rib cage over pelvis , biasing muscles to get the core muscles to activate
Activate - Strengthen - Restore
let’s train !