『Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance』(恆毅力:熱情與毅力的力量)的作者是 Angela Duckworth,她是一位美國心理學家,以研究「恆毅力」(Grit)聞名。Duckworth是賓夕法尼亞大學心理學教授,也是美國心理學會院士。她的研究重點是影響個人成就的心理因素,特別是如何透過毅力與熱情克服困難、實現長期目標。她曾獲得 2013 年「麥克阿瑟天才獎」,其研究結果影響了教育、企業管理與個人成長領域。除了學術研究,她還創辦了「性格實驗室」(Character Lab),致力於推動兒童及青少年的性格發展,強調成功不僅來自天賦,更來自持續努力與內在動力。
在『Grit』一書中,Duckworth綜合了多年研究與訪談,提出「恆毅力」是成就卓越的關鍵,比智商、天賦或背景更重要。她將「恆毅力」定義為 長期熱情(passion)與堅持努力(perseverance) 的結合,並強調成功者並非天生卓越,而是透過不斷練習、克服挫折與堅持目標來提升能力。書中還探討如何培養恆毅力,包括建立內在動機、培養成長心態(growth mindset),以及如何在教育與企業管理中應用這些原則。這本書深受心理學、教育學及職場發展領域的關注,被譽為影響現代成功學的重要著作之一。以下是我摘要書中的重點與大家分享:In addition to completing the Grit Scale, spellers reported how much time they devoted to spelling practice. On average, they practiced more than an hour a day on weekdays and more than two hours a day on weekends. But there was a lot of variation around these averages: some spellers were hardly studying at all, and some were studying as much as nine hours on a given Saturday!
The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is: I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me. You might be all of those things. You got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple.”
The low-level goal with the angry-looking X through it has been blocked. It’s a rejection slip, a setback, a dead end, a failure. The gritty person will be disappointed, or even heartbroken, but not for long.
帶有看起來很憤怒的 X 的低層次目標已被封鎖。這是一張拒絕通知、一次挫折、一個死胡同、一次失敗。堅毅的人會感到失望,甚至心碎,但不會太久。
In sum, the more unified, aligned, and coordinated our goal hierarchies, the better.
They’re holding out for perfection.
It takes about ten years to make a mature dancer.
As soon as possible, experts hungrily seek feedback on how they did. Necessarily, much of that feedback is negative. This means that experts are more interested in what they did wrong—so they can fix it—than what they did right. The active processing of this feedback is as essential as its immediacy.
Below, I’ve plotted the data from this large-scale study. As you can see, gritty people aren’t monks, nor are they hedonists. In terms of pleasure-seeking, they’re just like anyone else; pleasure is moderately important no matter how gritty you are. In sharp contrast, you can see that grittier people are dramatically more motivated than others to seek a meaningful, other-centered life. Higher scores on purpose correlate with higher scores on the Grit Scale.
At that meeting, the three of us developed a hypothesis: Teachers who have an optimistic way of interpreting adversity have more grit than their more pessimistic counterparts, and grit, in turn, predicts better teaching.
Instead of one continuum, there are two. In the upper right-hand quadrant are parents who are both demanding and supportive. The technical term is “authoritative parenting,” which, unfortunately is easily confused with “authoritarian parenting.” To avoid such confusion, I’ll refer to authoritative parenting as wise parenting, because parents in this quadrant are accurate judges of the psychological needs of their children. They appreciate that children need love, limits, and latitude to reach their full potential. Their authority is based on knowledge and wisdom, rather than power.
Honesty trumps all.
堅毅的人不會因挫折而停滯,而是能快速復原,這與心理學中的成長型心態(Growth Mindset) 相符,對於個人成長、學習與職涯發展極為重要。此外,堅毅的人並非極端禁慾或過度享樂,而是專注於有意義的目標,這可提升心理韌性(Resilience),減少焦慮與壓力。研究顯示,樂觀的教師更具堅毅力,且能提供更好的教學品質,這正反映出正向思考與目標導向行動的重要性。此外,明智型教養強調愛、界限與自由的平衡,有助於孩子的心理健康與自主學習能力。整體而言,培養堅毅力不僅能讓我們在職場、學術或運動領域表現更好,還能增強心理韌性,使我們面對壓力時更能適應與成長。