2023-10-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘


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歡迎去加入這個已有21萬人的社團:Science of Reading-What I Should Have Learned in College




閱讀科學 - 幼兒園/一年級/二年級


說這句話我覺得很不好意思,但我不知道該從何開始,或者寧願繼續。 我從賣出一個故事開始,加入了這些社團。 我也看了一些YouTube的視頻,完全不知所措,不確定下一步要去哪裡。 為了背景,我教高級小學,我不知道今年即將學年我會從哪裡開始,甚至不知道該怎麼開始。 很常見的是,讓學生在較善良的程度閱讀,並且有能力閱讀中學書的學生,並且在之間到處可見。 我也看過完全不會讀的學生,而且我開始SST程序,因為出勤史被拒。 我不知道該從何開始,要教什麼順序來確保我實際上幫助學生,而不是增加他們實際年級程度與能力的差距。 有沒有一本書或系列之類的可以佈局指導? 請原諒我的無知。 我仍在旅程的開始,但我真心想學習。 非常感謝。



語音意識。 從那開始。


Deb Joseph 甚至可能從語音學的意識、技能開始。 有些孩子只是聽不見、理解聲音、部分文字。 我有個四年級生來找我,不明白「e」聲音在哪。 她問,字母L沒有「e」,字母M沒有「e」嗎? 我不敢相信沒有人明確地解釋信件的聲音。 我告訴她字母名字 L 有 'e',但字母聲音沒有,她說 哦。 對奮鬥的人來說,讀書會變成壞笑話,沒有明確解釋的規則。 我會說永遠不要認為學生知道一些事情,只是因為看起來簡單。 作為一名老師,如果他們想要繼續教導,應該一直在學習。 沒有人可以學習一切。


你並不孤單。 試圖滿足所有學生的需求,是非常困惑的。 用評估開始這一年。 判斷哪些孩子需要以拼音和拼音意識針對閱讀繩的下端,以及哪些孩子準備好針對更高層次的理解力。 如果可以,跑站。 問問管理員會提供哪些材料來運行這些台... 正如你所說,你需要符合兩個團體需求的材料 - 而管理員最好做好準備來協助提供...


作為家長 - 感謝你嘗試,我毫無疑問,你會幫助很多學生!

歡迎去加入這個已有21萬人的社團:Science of Reading-What I Should Have Learned in College

我還另外加入了Science of Reading - Kindergarten/First/Second Grade


I feel pretty embarrassed saying this but I have no idea where to start or rather continue on. I started with Sold a Story and joined these groups. I have also watched some YouTube videos and I feel totally overwhelmed and unsure of where to go next. For context, I teach upper elementary and I don’t know where I will start this coming school year or even know how to know where to start. It’s very common to have students reading at kinder level and have students that are capable of reading secondary books and everywhere in between. I have also seen students that cannot read at all and I start SST process and get denied due to attendance history. I have no idea where to start and what order to teach things to ensure I’m actually helping students instead of adding to the gap between their actual grade level and their abilities. Is there a book or series or anything that can lay out guidance? Please forgive my ignorance. I’m still at the beginning of my journey but I truly want to learn. Thank you so much.


Deb Josephphonemic awareness. start with that.

Mike MarshallDeb Joseph might even start with phonological awareness, skills. Some kids just don't hear, understand the sounds, parts of words. I had a 4th grader who came to me and didn't understand where the 'e' sound was. She asked doesn't the letter L have 'e,' and the letter M have 'e?' I couldn't believe nobody had explicitly explained the sounds of letters. I told her the letter name L had an 'e', but the letter sound didn't and she said oh. Reading becomes a bad joke for those who struggle, and don't have the rules explicitly explained. I would say never think a student knows something, just because it seems simple. Also as a teacher should always be learning if they want to keep teaching. There is no one spot to learn everything.

Kim HetheringtonYou are not alone. It is very confusing trying to meet all the students' needs. Start off the year with assessments. Determine which kids need to target the lower end of the Reading Rope with phonics and phonemic awareness, and which kids are ready to target higher levels of comprehension. If you can, run stations. Ask your admin what materials they will provide to run those stations... As you said, you need materials that appeal to both groups' needs - and admin better be prepared to help provide that....

Jessica TaylorAs a parent - THANK YOU for trying♥️I have no doubt you will help many students!

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