2024-04-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘




**Week 1: Introduction and Basics**

1. **課程介紹與寫作預備**

**- Course Introduction and Writing Preparation**

- 課程目標、介紹寫作重要性

- Course objectives, importance of writing

- 寫作基礎:語法、標點與句型結構

- Writing fundamentals: grammar, punctuation, and sentence structures

2. **段落結構**

**- Paragraph Structure**

- 主題句的寫法

- How to write a topic sentence

- 支持細節與結論句

- Supporting details and concluding sentences


**Week 2: Structure and Coherence**

3. **過渡詞與句子連接(技巧一:連接詞的使用)**

**- Transition Words and Sentence Linking (Skill 1: Using Connectives)**

- 練習使用過渡詞來增加文段連貫性

- Practicing the use of transition words to enhance paragraph coherence

4. **組織文章結構**

**- Organizing Essay Structures**

- 練習寫作有條理的文章架構

- Practicing writing well-organized essay structures


**Week 3: Narration and Description**

5. **描述技巧(技巧二:五感描述)**

**- Descriptive Techniques (Skill 2: Using the Five Senses)**

- 使用五感進行生動的描述

- Using the five senses for vivid descriptions

6. **敘事寫作的基礎**

**- Basics of Narrative Writing**

- 如何講故事:設定、情節與角色

- How to tell a story: setting, plot, and characters


**Week 4: Argumentation and Persuasion**

7. **論證寫作介紹**

**- Introduction to Argumentative Writing**

- 理解論證結構:主張、證據與反駁

- Understanding argument structures: claims, evidence, and refutations

8. **強化說服力(技巧三:有效使用證據)**

**- Enhancing Persuasiveness (Skill 3: Effective Use of Evidence)**

- 選擇與分析證據來支持觀點

- Choosing and analyzing

evidence to support arguments


**Week 5: Style and Tone**

9. **正式與非正式風格**

**- Formal and Informal Styles**

- 學習何時使用正式或非正式語氣

- Learning when to use formal or informal tone

10. **提升語言風格(技巧四:動詞強化)**

**- Improving Language Style (Skill 4: Enhancing Verbs)**

- 使用強有力的動詞來提升寫作風格

- Using strong verbs to enhance writing style


**Week 6: Rhetorical Techniques and Editing**

11. **修辭技巧介紹**

**- Introduction to Rhetorical Techniques**

- 學習如何使用比喻、擬人等修辭手法

- Learning how to use rhetorical devices such as metaphors and personification

12. **寫作與編輯(技巧五:精簡語言)**

**- Writing and Editing (Skill 5: Conciseness)**

- 實踐刪減多餘字詞,使寫作更為精煉

- Practicing cutting superfluous words to make writing more concise


**Week 7: Applied Writing Practice**

13. **書信寫作**

**- Letter Writing**

- 商業與私人書信格式與風格

- Business and personal letter formats and styles

14. **電子郵件寫作**

**- Email Writing**

- 撰寫正式與非正式電子郵件

- Writing formal and informal emails


**Week 8: Advanced Writing Skills**

15. **摘要與報告寫作**

**- Writing Abstracts and Reports**

- 學習撰寫專業摘要與報告

- Learning to write professional abstracts and reports

16. **評論與評論文章寫作**

**- Writing Reviews and Critiques**

- 練習寫評論與批評文章

- Practicing writing reviews and critique articles


**Week 9: Research Project and Writing**

17. **選題與資料搜集**

**- Topic Selection and Data Collection**

- 如何選擇適合的寫作主題與進行研究

- How to select an appropriate writing topic and conduct research

18. **組織與撰寫專題論文**

**- Organizing and Writing a Research Paper**

- 從構思到完成一篇完整的研究論文

- From conception to completion of a full research paper


**Week 10: Peer Review and Feedback**

19. **同儕審稿(Peer Review)**

**- Peer Review**

- 學習如何有效地給予與接受同儕的反饋

- Learning how to effectively give and receive feedback from peers

20. **課程回顧與結業評估**

**- Course Review and Final Evaluation**

- 回顧學習內容,進行結業寫作與口頭表達評估

- Reviewing the course content, conducting final writing and oral presentations



寫一個100字網站出版專題簡介 主題 一起學雅思IELTS 雅思口說8.5教練 Mr. gary主持
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