Beginner’s Guide to Fasting - Day 1 of 21 Days of Fasting

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禁食是出於靈性原因而避免食物的行為。 它不是饑餓或非自願地缺乏食物。 禁食是一種自願行為,不是被迫做的。 它不是絕食抗議或節食,而是一種接近上帝的方式。 禁食可以幫助克服生活中的問題,恢復對上帝的渴望,並實現上帝的呼召。 聖經中的禁食類型

聖經中提到了兩種主要的禁食方式:絕對禁食(或乾禁)和普通禁食。 絕對禁食是指一個人在短時間內既不吃食物也不喝水,如摩西、尼尼微人和保羅所做的。 普通禁食是指一個人避免食物,但只喝水,這在禁食季節中很常見。 乾禁不建議大多數人進行,且不應超過3天。 附加說明

禁食是一種靈性訓練,而非肉體訓練。 在進行乾禁之前,重要的是要從主那裡得到明確的指示,並且身體健康。 禁食的好處既有肉體上的,也有靈性上的,但禁食的目的是靈性的。 資源

查閱《快速前進》一書和21天靈修指南,以獲得更多關於禁食的信息。 加入Youversion聖經應用中的Fast Forward 21天閱讀計劃,與其他信徒一起閱讀和學習。 禁食類型

乾禁:完全避免食物和飲料。 普通禁食:避免食物但仍然飲用液體。 部分禁食(但以理的禁食):避免某些食物,如肉類、甜食和乳製品,只吃湯、水果和蔬菜。 非食物禁食:避免愉悅活動、娛樂和除食物外的滿足快感。 集體禁食:一群信徒一起禁食。 聖經中的禁食例子

耶穌禁食40天,並受到魔鬼的試探。 但以理避免愉悅食物和肉類,並沒有塗抹油膏。 撒母耳呼籲整個國家禁食。 以斯帖呼籲她的猶太人禁食。 以斯拉宣布禁食。 門徒們禁食並事奉主。 禁食的原因

出於靈性原因,而非肉體原因。 在某個季節內奉獻自己,放棄食物。 為了靈性成長和訓練而避免食物。 為了被主注意,而非被人注意。 附加說明

禁食不是節食或絕食抗議。 私下禁食應當保密,但也有公開禁食,可以由領袖宣布。 對於無法禁食食物的醫療條件者,非食物禁食是一個好選擇。 基督教中的禁食

基督教中有兩種禁食方式:絕對禁食(或乾禁)- 禁水禁食,和普通禁食 - 禁食但允許飲水。 還有部分禁食,即避免某些食物(稱為但以理的禁食),以及對於不能禁食食物但想要實踐自我否定的非食物禁食。 集體禁食是指教會作為一個社區一起禁食,以引起對主的注意。 如何禁食

為禁食設定具體目標——可能是尋求方向、治愈、恢復、智慧,或僅僅是尋求主。 禁食的類型取決於個人和主——選擇包括全禁(只喝液體)、但以理禁食(避免甜食和肉類)或部分禁食(避免某些食物)。 決定禁食時間——可以是個人感受到主的帶領的任何時間長短,但建議初學者從慢慢開始。 告知準備餐點的人員禁食計劃。 作為禁食社區的一部分,接收每天的祈禱重點,專注於第二天。 禁食的第一週將專注於個人、家庭和朋友,第二週專注於教會和事工,第三週專注於世界。 額外提示

向聖靈尋求指導,了解為何禁食以及禁食多久。 將禁食目標作為祈禱請求寫下來。 禮貌地告知準備餐點的人員禁食計劃。 在決定禁食時間長短時,運用智慧並祈禱尋求指導。 建議初學者從慢慢開始。 注意:以上摘要基於所提供的文本,可能未涵蓋基督教禁食的所有方面。


講者計劃進行40天的禁食。 教會的一位女士從早上4點開始祈禱,計劃每天吃一餐。 講者鼓勵她跟隨自己的心,上帝會尊重她的決定。 禁食類型

大多數教會成員正在進行21天的液體或水禁食。 禁食的類型取決於個人和主。 禁食期間的預期

身體會排毒並消除毒素,可能會引起頭痛和易怒等輕微不適,這是因為戒掉咖啡因和糖分所致。 常見的饑餓疼痛,避免飲水會使饑餓感加劇。 疲勞、頭暈和虛弱也是常見的副作用。 情緒波動和注意力集中困難也有可能發生。 禁食的好處

禁食帶來奇蹟般的結果,並遵循耶穌的榜樣。 花時間聆聽讚美歌曲,閱讀和沉思聖經話語,並經常祈禱。 限制分心事物,保持心思意念專注於尋求上帝的面。 結束禁食

尤其是禁食超過3天時,慢慢結束禁食。 吃少量食物或小吃,逐漸恢復正常飲食。 避免暴飲暴食和暴露貪食。 禁食的經歷

禁食是出於靈性原因避免食物的行為。 它是謙卑自己並尋求上帝幫助克服生活中的災難的一種方式。 聖經中禁食的人物包括以斯帖、以斯拉和約沙法。 禁食不僅僅是避免食物,還是宣告對上帝的依賴。 禁食類型

禁食的類型包括絕對或乾禁、普通禁食、部分禁食、非食物禁食和集體禁食。 選擇禁食類型是個人與主之間的事。 準備禁食

重要的是要逐漸進入和離開禁食。 如果在禁食期間失敗,應該恢復禁食,而不是放棄。 禁食是一種紀律,是訓練自己成為敬虔的方式。 禁食的原因

禁食有助於克服生活中的災難。 它是一種在上帝面前謙卑自己並尋求祂幫助的方式。 它不僅僅是避免食物,還是宣告對上帝的依賴。 了解禁食

禁食是出於靈性原因避免食物的行為。 禁食類型:乾禁(不吃不喝)、普通禁食(不吃食物)、部分禁食(某些時段或某些食物)、非食物禁食和集體禁食。 禁食的原因

禁食有助於克服生活中的災難。 禁食更新我們與上帝的聯繫。 禁食賦予我們力量以完成上帝在我們生命中的呼召。 禁食幫助我們戰勝肉體和肉慾的慾望。 如何禁食

設定禁食的目標以及禁食的時間長度。 耐心地讓你的身體經歷排毒。 結束禁食與開始一樣重要。 聖經中的禁食例子

The Beginner's Guide to Fasting

  • Fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons
  • It is not starvation or an involuntary absence of food
  • Fasting is a voluntary act, not something done by compulsion
  • It is not a hunger strike or a diet, but a way to draw closer to God
  • Fasting can help overcome problems in life, restore hunger for God, and fulfill God's calling

Biblical Types of Fasting

  • There are two main types of fasting mentioned in the Bible: the absolute fast (or dry fast) and the normal fast
  • The absolute fast is when a person goes without food and water for a short period of time, as done by Moses, the Ninevites, and Paul
  • The normal fast is when a person abstains from food but drinks only water, as is commonly practiced during fasting seasons
  • The dry fast is not recommended for most people and should not be undertaken for more than 3 days

Additional Notes

  • Fasting is a spiritual discipline, not a physical one
  • It is important to have a clear directive from the Lord and to be in good health before undertaking a dry fast
  • The benefits of fasting are both physical and spiritual, but the purpose of fasting is spiritual


  • Check out the Fast Forward book and 21-day devotional for more information on fasting
  • Join the Fast Forward 21-day reading plan on the Youversion Bible app to read and learn with other believers

Types of fasts

  • Dry fast: abstaining from all food and drink
  • Normal fast: abstaining from food but still drinking liquids
  • Partial fast (Daniel's fast): abstaining from certain foods, such as meat, sweets, and dairy, and only eating soups, fruits, and vegetables
  • Non-food fast: abstaining from pleasant activities, entertainment, and gratifying pleasures other than food
  • Corporate fast: a group of believers fasting together

Examples of biblical fasts

  • Jesus fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil
  • Daniel abstained from pleasant foods and meats, and did not anoint himself
  • Samuel called the entire nation to fast
  • Esther called her Jewish people to fast
  • Ezra proclaimed a fast
  • The disciples fasted and ministered to the Lord

Reasons for fasting

  • For spiritual reasons, not for physical reasons
  • To consecrate oneself and give up food during a certain season
  • To abstain from food for spiritual growth and discipline
  • To be noticed by the Lord, not by man

Additional notes

  • Fasting is not a diet or a hunger strike
  • Private fasting should be done in secret, but there is also a public fast which can be proclaimed by leaders
  • The non-food fast is a good option for those with medical conditions who are unable to fast from food

Fasting in Christianity

  • There are two types of fasting in Christianity: Absolute fast (or dry fast) - no water or food, and Normal fast - no food but water is allowed
  • There is also a Partial fast where one abstains from certain foods (known as Daniel's fast) and a Non-food fast for those who cannot fast food but want to practice self-denial
  • A Corporate fast is when a church fasts together as a community to draw attention to the Lord

How to fast

  • Have a specific goal for fasting - it could be for direction, healing, restoration, wisdom, or simply to seek the Lord
  • The type of fasting is up to the individual and the Lord - options include full fast (liquids only), Daniel fast (abstaining from sweets and meats), or partial fast (abstaining from certain foods)
  • Decide how long to fast - it can be for as long as one feels led by the Lord, but beginners are advised to start slowly
  • Inform those who prepare meals about the fasting plan
  • As part of a fasting community, receive daily prayer points to focus on for the next day
  • First week of fasting will focus on personal, family, and friends, second week on church and ministry, and third week on the world

Additional tips

  • Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance on what to fast for and how long to fast
  • Write down the fasting goal as part of a prayer request
  • Be courteous and inform those who prepare meals about the fasting plan
  • Use wisdom and pray for guidance when deciding how long to fast
  • Beginners are advised to start slowly

Note: The above summary is based on the provided text and may not cover all aspects of fasting in Christianity.

Upcoming 40-day fast

  • Speaker is planning to go on a 40-day fast
  • A lady from church has been praying since 4:00 a.m. and is planning to eat one meal a day
  • Speaker encourages her to follow her heart and God will honor her decision

Types of fasting

  • Majority of the church is doing a 21-day liquid or water fast
  • The type of fasting is up to the individual and the Lord

What to expect during fasting

  • The body detoxifies and eliminates toxins, which may cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars
  • Hunger pains are common, and avoiding water can make hunger worse
  • Fatigue, dizziness, and weakness are also common side effects
  • Mood swings and difficulty concentrating are also possible

Benefits of fasting

  • Fasting brings miraculous results and follows Jesus's example
  • Spend time listening to praise and worship music, reading and meditating on the word, and praying often
  • Limit distractions and keep heart and mind set on seeking God's face

Ending the fast

  • End the fast slowly, especially if fasting for more than 3 days
  • Eat small portions or snacks and gradually resume normal eating
  • Avoid overeating and exposing gluttony

The Experience of Fasting

  • Fasting involves abstaining from food for spiritual reasons
  • It is a way to humble oneself and seek God's help in overcoming calamities of life
  • Examples of people in the Bible who fasted include Esther, Ezra, and Jehoshaphat
  • Fasting is not just about abstaining from food, but also about declaring one's dependence on God

Types of Fasting

  • Types of fasting include absolute or dry fast, normal fast, partial fast, non-food fast, and corporate fast
  • The type of fasting one chooses is between them and the Lord

Preparing for a Fast

  • It is important to gradually enter and exit a fast
  • If one fails during a fast, they should resume it and not quit
  • Fasting is a discipline and a way to train oneself in godliness

Reasons for Fasting

  • Fasting helps one to overcome calamities of life
  • It is a way to humble oneself before God and seek His help
  • It is not just about abstaining from food, but about declaring one's dependence on God

Understanding Fasting

  • Fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons
  • Types of fasting: dry fast (no food, no water), normal fast (no food), partial fast (certain hours or certain foods), non-food fast, and the culprit fast

Reasons for Fasting

  • Fasting helps to overcome the calamities of life
  • Fasting renews our connection to God
  • Fasting empowers us to fulfill God's calling in our life
  • Fasting helps us to defeat the flesh and the appetites of the carnal nature

How to Fast

  • Set a goal for what you will fast and how long you will fast
  • Be patient as your body goes through detox
  • Ending the fast is as important as starting it

Biblical Examples of Fasting

  • Jesus fasted for His calling
  • Anna fasted for the coming of the redemption of Israel
  • Disciples of Jesus fasted to cast out a demon

Benefits of Fasting

  • Fasting helps to gain mastery over appetites and crucify the flesh
  • Fasting helps to break the bonds of wickedness and empower to break every yoke
  • Fasting helps to release people from bondage and help people

Fasting and Prayer

  • Fasting is often combined with prayer for greater spiritual impact

Fasting and its benefits

  • Fasting can be a blessing to many people
  • It can help individuals deepen their spirituality
  • It can help individuals become closer to Jesus

Invitation to join the fast

  • Pastor Vlad invites viewers to join a 21-day fast
  • He encourages viewers to become monthly partners with his ministry
  • He emphasizes that the ministry's goal is to help individuals build a closer relationship with Jesus

Availability of resources

  • Pastor Vlad has a devotional book called "Fast Forward" available for purchase on his store and Amazon
  • The book can also be downloaded for free on his website
  • The ministry offers courses, books, and other resources for free

Prayer for the fast

  • Pastor Vlad leads a prayer for those who are participating in the fast
  • He asks the Holy Spirit to draw individuals closer to God
  • He prays for those who are new to fasting and are seeking spiritual vitality

The Power of Fasting and Prayer

  • Fasting and prayer can help one move powerfully in their life
  • The Holy Spirit draws us near to Jesus and the Father through fasting and prayer
  • Fasting and prayer helps one to love Jesus and God's word more
  • Fasting and prayer is a time of humility and dependence on God

Prayer Requests

  • Prayer for revival in one's life
  • Prayer for breakthrough in problems
  • Prayer for the strengthening of prayer life
  • Prayer for meeting needs

Encouragement to Participate in Fasting and Prayer

  • Continuous daily participation is encouraged
  • Prayer points will be dropped on Telegram every day
  • Donations, partnerships, and giving are appreciated
  • Fasting and prayer is a humbling experience that honors God

Blessings and Closing

  • Blessings and appreciation for those participating
  • A desire for the best year spiritually by putting Jesus first
  • Closing prayer for the group

福音101文章拯救靈魂101,Mr. gary寫101篇福音的文章分享。 每一篇福音文章拯救101個靈魂。101篇文章就可以拯救10,201個靈魂, 而這10,201個靈魂,再把這101篇的福音文章分享出去, 那麼就可以再拯救1萬人。 結論: 1萬的1萬倍就是好幾億人,就可以因為這個福音文章都有機會得救。

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#21天挑戰 第一部分:找出我們飲食習慣及迴圈 第二部分:改變大腦中飲食行為所帶來的獎勵價值 第三部分:找出更多獎勵行為
此處的「齋」並非吃素,而是指反省自身、節制貪慾,進求更高層次的生活。 齋戒的種類 1.祭祀前的齋戒:祭典前三日停止食用葷食(亦不食蔥韮薤蒜等辛菜),停止飲酒,停止房事,不飲酒,不茹葷,不問疾,不弔喪,不聽音樂。 2.還願的齋戒:許願應驗後的回饋行為。 3.戒律的齋戒:例如.佛教徒所持的長期守
#21天挑戰 第一部分:找出我們飲食習慣及迴圈 第二部分:改變大腦中飲食行為所帶來的獎勵價值 第三部分:找出更多獎勵行為
此處的「齋」並非吃素,而是指反省自身、節制貪慾,進求更高層次的生活。 齋戒的種類 1.祭祀前的齋戒:祭典前三日停止食用葷食(亦不食蔥韮薤蒜等辛菜),停止飲酒,停止房事,不飲酒,不茹葷,不問疾,不弔喪,不聽音樂。 2.還願的齋戒:許願應驗後的回饋行為。 3.戒律的齋戒:例如.佛教徒所持的長期守