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the mighty power of the pen

Back in 2007, psychology professor Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California, became curious about a certain widespread urban legend: the existence of a convincing but mythological Harvard study showing that the 3% of graduating students who wrote down their life goals went on to earn 10 times more money than the rest of the class. Since that study didn't actually exist but sounded interesting, she decided to create her own

In order to examine how the method by which a person articulates a goal impacts their chance of success, Matthews recruited about 150 professionals from a variety of fields and split them into groups. Each group was either told to "think about" something they wanted to accomplish in the next four weeks, write it down, or write it down and share their progress with a friend. The goals ranged from finite tasks like writing a chapter of a book, updating a website, securing a contract, and selling a house, to harder-to-measure goals like reducing work anxiety, learning a new skill, and enhancing work/life balance.

The results might not come as a surprise to us wise and enlightened overachievers 16 years later: the groups that wrote their goals down, announced their goals to a friend, and shared their progress as they went along did far better (were over 40% more likely to be successful) at completing those goals than the group that just "envisioned" them.

You probably know, or at least have heard, that keeping a journal works. You might do it (ok maybe sometimes in app form but still) to log your calories, track your fitness progress and record your hours of sleep. You might do it to remember dreams or nightmares or purge yourself of anxious or depressive thoughts.  Maybe you do it to increase your general wellness, by writing down things you feel grateful for. 

There's a lot of stuff going on in your brain, and it's interesting how this connects to the  act of manually making notes: 

  • You're reducing your cognitive load by creating an external place to store information you don't want to forget (a reason check-lists are so helpful). 
  • You're actively engaging with the information especially if you're adding structure: reducing the information to bullet points, putting individual items in order of priority, identifying patterns, thinking critically about what you're writing. Students who write things down by hand (rather than typing or highlighting text) tend to remember more of what they studied.
  • There's a good chance writing things down will give you clarity (like when you write down the pros and cons of a decision you're trying to make).
  • If you write down your goals and then keep track of your progress over time, it helps you be honest with yourself, and make adjustments when needed.
  • All of the above is helpful if you want to become more self-aware or live with more intentionality.

Matthews's study also demonstrated that accountability, ie sharing your progress with someone in a supportive role (friend/trainer/coach), enhances the benefits of writing goals down.  

When you work with a financial advisor or coach for example, typically one of the first exercises you do is to track your spending. I can tell you from experience that for many people the exercise is an evolution in self-awareness:

  • "Ugh...I have no idea what I spend and I sort of don't want to know".
  • "Ok fine, I'll write it down but I don't really know what I'm doing, is there an app or can you help me?"
  • "Woah I can't believe how much I've been spending on [insert expense category]"
  • "I'm so proud of myself, I am now paying attention! I've eliminated [unwanted spending habit] or am investing more in [prioritized goal]".
  • "Ugh I feel so guilty, I screwed up and went back to my old ways."
  • "Oh wait, you're right, it's not the end of the world, because now I know [how to refocus on what's important] or [thanks to my new system, I have reserve funds dedicated to random indulgences]".

Your pen might feel small and inconsequential and maybe even a bit corny sometimes, but it's a powerful tool when used intentionally. It can help you get to know yourself. It can help you feel better about yourself. It can help you keep track of what you're doing with your life, and help you plan the life you want. Not bad for an invention that's more than 5000 years old.



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