2024-02-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘


    今日一樣來談跟裁員相關的句型, 以下取材自紐約時報:


    Google’s Once Happy Offices Feel the Chill of Layoffs



    The layoffs have slowed down projects and prompted employees to spend working hours trying to learn which work groups have been hit and who could be next, said 10 current and former Google employees, including some who asked for anonymity so they could speak candidly about their jobs.



    句型分析:有點小複雜, 但還元到”錢”來看, 一切都簡單

    主結構:我(s) 要(vt) 錢(o)

    10 current and former Google employees(s) said(vt) that(o)

    → that為省略的連接詞


    次結構:我/I(s) 要/want(vt) 錢/money(o) and 我/I(s) 要/waat(vt) 你/you(o) 去賺錢/to make money(oc)

    The layoffs(s) have slowed down(vt) projects(o) and

    prompted(vt) employees(o) to spend working hours trying to learn which work groups have been hit and who could be next(oc)


    好長的oc, 慢慢來解釋:

    1, 用to spend working hours~~這個不定詞來當oc  → 去賺錢/to make money(oc)

    2, 這邊的try為何會加ing? 因為是當分詞片語來形容hours, 例如:We often hear of tourist misbehavior drawing public outrage. 我們常聽到遊客的失序行為引起眾怒

    → 一樣算是s+v+o+oc句型, 現在分詞片語當形容詞, 以後再細講.

    3, to learn which work groups have been hit and who could be next

    → 不定詞當名詞, 為分詞片語裏的受詞, 裏面再含2個小子句, which 當疑問詞, who當疑問主詞

    白話:”錢來了 + 這是錢”的句型

    Which work gropus(s) have been hit(vi) → 錢/money(s) 來了/comes(vi)

    Who(s) could be(vi) nest(sc) → 這/this(s) 是/is(vi) 錢/moncy(sc)

    including some who asked for anonymity so they could speak candidly about their jobs.

    → 形容詞子句降為分詞片語, 內再含一個who開頭的形容詞子句, 再加一個用so開頭的副詞子句, 白話:都是用我/I(s) 要/want(vt) 錢/money(o) 的句型組合起來, 用階層來看會較清楚


    1           10 current and former Google employees (s) , that include(vt) →including some(o)

    1.1         Who(s) asked for (vt) anonymity (o)

    1.1.1   so they(s) could speak(vt) candidly about their jobs.(o)

     這小段有兩個分詞(trying & including)用法, 下回再分析.

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